pass Besides.... it pretty much exists already, just need the 2500 lower limit adjusted so we can all use it.
Opening up another thread on the same topic because you didn't like the responses on the original thread isn't going to accomplish much.
well figure i put it up in the idea thread...dont hurt to try altho i know ideas dont work for mid range players..but i am just tryin is all..
sure would be nice 4 to 10 pages of unactive take forever to delete each one crazy something so simple and yet nothing
If challenges are volume, boss, job and prior challenge activated is there another way to unlock the challenges such as the Vega slot etc. And is the inter circle achievement still available also none of my arena or syndicate war achievements have been accredited yet.
well to me i dont think it is fair that we have too wait till it gets too the full cap in order for that crap to take place why not give us the options now besides waiting it out..cause i am on the borderline on being max out on mob wars..i dont care if it is free or not i want the option to remove all unactive players out of my mob besides doing it singly cause that takes alot of time an effort at least a few hours tops..which i could be getting into boss fights besides doing this chit like yea ADD THIS FEATURE instead an remove the 2500 Cap an just add the option to remove all unactive players u know dmn well know it this is a great idea for better for players who are wanting to get rid of the deads out of the way an have all fresh active players within your games!!
it take less than five minutes just to to inner and scroll down till ya see the pages, go to page one, and look at all the level 1 players who never played click the boxes, go down to where it says delete batch or whatever it says and it is done, go to page 2 and repeat, you waste more time complaining about a feature that is already there, FFS, Jades even made a screen shot to show you.
Kristen lets dont start this again plz..cause i am tryin to be polite an u are just asking for trouble like u always do half of the time!! so please cut it out thanks! plus i been around these forums lot longer then you i dont see how u became a Well-Known Member kinda b.s. that i dont have that on my name underneath since i been here alot longer then you!!
well all that is not exactly true, but it does not change the fact that there is a feature already to remove a whole page in one swoop, you just won't use it lol PS I have been around the games and the forum way before you , my dear , not that it matters, bus since you are incorrect I though I would mention it me Joined 2432 days, 4 hours ago you Joined 2136 days, 18 hours ago and this is a second forum account, as I had issues with my first one, so there ya have it ta ta for now lol
what it is kristen u are just kano azz kisser is all it i will cont saying it until ya start being more polite too me instead of making dumb ass Insults to me everytime!
id like to see the screenshot cause its not showing up on my games ive looked and looked, there was something not to long ago that kano thought was working for everyone and it took a few to complain about it and have them check and it got fixed maybe it something along that lines again, cause if i could do 1 page it would be better than 1 at a time
It is in his other thread about this, when Jades comes online later I will ask him to show where it is But basically go to mobbies, then familia and scroll down( of course that is the wording , pretty much for LCN, then scroll all the way down the page, you will see how many pages of clan you have go to page one(1) and look at the names and they will be the first people you clanned with there, it will show the date, their level now, I know for me it is easy to spot those that only opened the game and never did much if anything, you can delete them one by one or click the other little box, and scroll down to where it says delete batch. There may be a thread from kano explaining it , but no idea if or where it might be.
yes i have see that Delete Batch but problem about that is u gotta be completely max out on mobbies in order for that too work..that is why i am tryin to ask for the feature where that we can remove them all in one go besides letting our mobbies aka known as pages to build up an that way it wont take as long as what i have been tryin to explain for i have seen that screenshot but to me it is useless cause i shouldnt have to max out my mobbie in order to get that batch removal...
I never have the 2500 players i delete them too often i have a load of pages of inactive i only need 1000 people for full mob, thats why i am not seeing this i didnt add enough to max out period on any apps, why does all the features kano thinks of (cough cough pawnshop) like this also you have to be maxed to use it thats kinda defeats the purpose to wait to you are maxed.