[PC] Is kano down?

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by greatM, Apr 22, 2016.

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  1. greatM

    greatM Active Member

    I'm getting a white screen when I try to log into Pirate clan and Zombie Slayer
  2. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Everything seems ok on this end. What network are you playing on?
  3. greatM

    greatM Active Member

    armor games
  4. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Fine for me as well.

    Have you refreshed and cleared cache, all the usual steps?
  5. greatM

    greatM Active Member

    hi mitch I was logged into both games and i clicked a pm boss link which relogged me in Pirate clan, Zombie slayer was still fine i then used ccleaner to clear cache and temp files then the white screen appeared for both games
  6. greatM

    greatM Active Member

    I get as far as the log in page on armor for both but,all I get is a white when the game starts to load,both games finish loading fast, but just has the white screen
  7. greatM

    greatM Active Member

    ive tried logging in with 2 computers both give the same result.
  8. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Could be the ISP, are you playing from the same location that you normally do?
  9. greatM

    greatM Active Member

    hi mitch yes im playing from home ive been logged into both for some time playing on and off all day
  10. greatM

    greatM Active Member

    Hi Mitch I am able access all other web sites normally i have tried logging in with goolge chrome and get this message >
    Thearmorgames.compage isn’t working
    armorgames.comis currently unable to handle this request.
    Have contacted my service provider and they are suggesting it is a issue with the game.

    Regards Phil.
  11. greatM

    greatM Active Member

    it seems to be an issue with armorgames as im getting the same white screen when i try to open the armor forum page. I can open the forum as long as im not logged in to my account and i am seeing that others are having the same issue with mmo games on armor
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
  12. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    I checked with our network guys just to make double-sure and it isn't on our end so it does seem to be an Armor Games issue like you said. Armor Games does have a help page you can check out (http://armorgames.com/page/help) but it doesn't look like they have your specific issue. :/
  13. greatM

    greatM Active Member

    Hi mitch, thanks for your help. not sure what else I can try atm to fix this but I will keep workig on it.
    Regards Phil.
  14. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    You could also try completely restarting your router and see if that fixes it if you haven't already.
  15. greatM

    greatM Active Member

    hi Mitch, tried that before trying google chrome there is now 23 post on the armor forum with players having the same issue, and i guess a lot more as i cant even leave a post on the armor forum as i get the same issue on the forum page when i log into my account. :-(
    do you have a direct link to armor support ?

    Regards Phil.
  16. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    The link I posted above was what I could find for Armor Games support. :(
  17. greatM

    greatM Active Member

    Hi Mitch, it has been fixed now thanks. :) you can close the thread.

    Regards Phil.
    mi7ch likes this.
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