Unfortunately we are kind of stuck with using Facebook's API for these requests. If we had the choice we would have these frictionless requests like we did before the mandatory upgrade in April.
Is this maybe still a possibility for FB? http://forums.kanoapps.com/threads/a-send-all-option-for-gift-giving.13479/
All i know is...my flash issues are not limited to those im not F friends with....it seems to be more hit or miss for the flash to appear.....one thing i am wondering....are we all using the speed collect and send....??? later today im going to manually collect each on and send ...to see if this makes a difference....* although this way is slow*.....
You will probably still get the flash with FB friends. What I was speaking of was the pop-up box for non-friends. This is more annoying than the flash. I don't seem to be getting the flash anymore, maybe because I am doing my gifting or boost sending, etc. on Kanoplay. That pop-up dialogue box though really needs to go away.
Today was actually my best day without the fuss of the flash / box op up...only 1 time today... wooo hoooo