Kristen, you said in another thread that was closed before I could answer you back that new gifts are not needed for crafting. your very wrong on that point. crafting hasn't changed for years that I have heard about and there is no crafting with newer gifts once you reach about half the bosses. instead they keep bring out new limited items to buy, while I understand the company needs to have ways to bring in income to their company, they also need to balance that with free stuff to balance out the game such as gifts with higher att/def state that can be used for a short time themselves to improve our inventory and then can be used to create even better gear, also the gifts that have been around since the game started and are no longer used and just siting in our inventory needs to be added also to making the new gear. people wont continue to stay in a game just to spend thousands of dollars to be able to level for very long without getting some free rewards. I certainly know I wont. and at this point in the game, that's exactly what this game has turned in to
I have never known gifts to have any attack or defense help except for maybe a brand new player still at a very low level, that needs to put something in their loadout, In my experience gifts are for crafting, and have no other use but for that, as far as crafting, in most of the games , once we get to not using something anymore than crafting is good, then making it elite then legendary , but for most crafting then becomes not so useful anymore as drops and coop bosses tend to make those thing fall off ya list as we level and no longer help in fighting. As far as limited , those that can by in bulk can be stronger than those that have played for years, that is my experience,but gifts, IMO , no need for new ones, as long as we can use the ones already in the list.
that's just it, I am already almost to the level that I can no longer use the gifts to craft with or to use them by their selfs until I reach several more levels. that's why I would like to see new gifts have higher stats to match each city. once they can no longer be used by themselves then maybe they could be made into elites or legendary also, so they could be used for something else besides just crafting or sitting in our inventory gathering dust
Wait a second, I have to laugh at this, you want gifts to be craftable OMG, We've been bitching for years to make gifts easier to send, now you want gifts to be craftable? Gifting is a mundame task, I wish they'd get rid of them altogether, and pull them out of the crafting scenerio totally. Not only would this create more alt's, gifting is not playing "the game" it's a small social aspect of it and that's it. Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!
No that is not a good idea or an idea Kano should even consider, at least not in pc or Vc as those gifts are not just used for one craft, as you get higher they also are needed for later on crafting, but I might be wrong about this, for LCN, have you been playing 6 years or more, in any game, that you are such a high level that nothing you craft is useful for you?? I haven't had my coffee am in a hurry and cannot go back to see how long you have been playing but if you are an mafia war player the most they have played since the game ended is apporx, 430 days give or take, anyway gotta run, for now
I played mafia wars for 8 years, Viking clan for a couple years, lcn for a couple years on another server, all my comments are based on what I have read and seen on lcn, VC and PC and ZS are slightly different then lcn but basically the same, plus I have played over 100 other fighting games on fb, Zynga, and thru xbox and many other pc games and why would it not be a good ideal if they can make use of dead gift items sitting in our inventory or find another use for them.? or is it that any change just is not a good ideal for you?
mafia wars was around for a very long time. way more than 430 days, it was available before a lot of people came here 7 or 8 years ago. unless of course your talking about mafia wars reloaded, that is a newer version of mafia wars that was put online when the original mafia wars died. but I 'm not trying to be rude, but most of your posts where you object to things are negative towards any change at all and i was wondering why you don't like changes or ideals to try?
No I am talking about Mafia wars, back in around 2008 or before I played it, but did like I did another fighting game from zynga but did not like having to keep asking for things like most zynga games do, I came to kano in may of 2010 but Mafia was closed down a bit over 400 days ago, when the influx of mafia war players were enticed by Kano to come to LCN, cause Kano knew mafia wars was being shut down., you ask " but most of your posts where you object to things are negative towards any change at all and i was wondering why you don't like changes or ideals to try?" Why?? cause I have played Kano games long enough and have seen many many changes since 2010 and not all are good, for example, raids, yet some were good , like calendars, which are a pain when ya play 4 games, I do the best I can, but don't stress over it anymore, we never had daily rewards or stamina and energy boosts, we never had even syndicates, armadas., etc I could go on but I have seen changes in the games for 6 years plus now, some changes benefit new players that many did not have when we were up and coming, and yet we still went ahead, and when they might benefit long term players, the new ones complain, they did not get anything new, in a location, while they have so many locations in front of them to still do, seems at times people/Players want the game handed to them now on a silver platter, or want it changed cause they just found the game/s , and sometimes their ideas are not good, or been asked for , for years, and nothing is done, and then we get stuff no one asks for and we have to adjust, so it is not so black and white.
I never said dead items should be ignored, I just said gifts are useless for att and def, they are for crafting, and there is a buy back feature for limited items , I believe, not sure which game/s at this point, but yeah things we have crafted that fall off our inventory list, is a bummer, but the reason for it is the progression of levels and getting stronger in the game, some drops from bosses and jobs , also that can not be crafted go to waste after awhile, because of the stats on those items.
very true, but like I said not all changes are bad, but I do think changes should be allowed and at least tried, if they suck then I would be right with you arguing against them, but they should be tried either good or bad. I too have seen many changes on games that I liked, but I never have made any statements that if people don't like them or suggest other things to call someone a whiner and go play Farmville or candy crush if they don't like the game like I have seen so many do here lately.
well the forum, is for offering different opinions and feelings and ideas, and not everyone is gonna agree, but if I for one said nothing, then Kano thinks OK, no one objects, well players like myself are allowed to express ourselves , just as players like yourself ya cannot have it one way, and they are whiners, sorry but if a player wants to play a PVP game like a farmville game, they cannot expect others to say , OK , I won't attack you since you don't want to be attacked, that is really unreasonable, just heal, and go on your way, most do not want to play a peaceful game they want to go and kill other pixels, I promise if ya try it , you will like it lol
most of my posts I argue for some way that low levels could at least play without being kept dead all the time by many. I know a lot higher levels then me had to go thru a lot of the stuff I am being hit with, but it should not be that way and I am all for making the game fair for everyone, so we can relax and have fun. The daily pounding by many might be fun for you and others, but for me and a lot of others its not so much fun to be pounded on by five players allover 10,000 levels and all of their syndicate members which some have 2 or three crews in them when we did nothing at first to any of them, all we did was type in the lounge or other chats and say hi, made a few typing errors, then accused of being a alt of someone we didn't know a whole lot about outside that they quit the game. not fun at all and a lot of lower levels left the game also along with the higher levels for just that reason or a reason similar to it. as it is right now I am still accused of those things and every time I heal, they start right up with in minutes of finding me healed to drive me out of the game. most llikely I will leave soon also like others have and they will win whatever they think they accomplished. its no big deal wether I play this game or not, there's still others i play and just makes more time for my wife and my kids and family time
I've killed my fair share and I attack others also and yes I like it to a point, but I don't take it to a extreme and I haven't accused people of being alts either. I've traded some insults back to those who started with me, then I moved on. I never said anything about having it one way to suit just me, I have made suggestions and examples of what happens to me to show my reasons why I think some changes are good. as you said the forums are to express our feelings over things in the game that concern me, well the things i talk about and changes I agree with or suggest are my feelings and opinions just like others have. I don't deny people or call them names or tell them to quit the game and play another game for their opinions. I may argue about them but I am always trying to be nice about how I say things. dang are we agreeing again
Almost every single item you can gift is used to craft something. If you go to the link in my sig and look through the tabs you will see the craft used items yellowed. As far as mafia wars? I'm an ex- mafia wars player too. Played it 5 days after it ended. (I didn't log out) But you know MOB WARS the original is 2 weeks older and was where mafia wars came from right?
I didn't say you did, I was being very vague and tried to keep it general,about who likes to play a peaceful PVP game which is an oxymoron, to begin with, if I know someone is an alt, I either report them or call them out, in the tavern, it is no longer a no no, I have been called an alt, but I know I am not and Kano knows I am not , so no biggie, but I have played two of the games long enough to see the alts, and see most banned and see some still playing, or taking over accounts of players who left the game/s., I know who uses scripts to auto heal or auto attack in one of my games, it is so obvious., and if you tell anyone I agree with you ya gonna get it lol
now why would I tell anyone. yo told on yourself! lol. what I find funny tho is when a person quits the game, how can they be someone else's alt if they were banned from playing, (as a example) I always thought a alt account would be two or more accounts in the game!
I sometimes check out vc too, its not so bad there like in lcn and I have considered a few times making that my main game and just not playing lcn anymore.