Separate names with a comma.
Same way, travel to Canada -> Outbreaks, but you can't start it when you have a US shooter going.
You must have removed strikers from your top squad. Vaccine is +5% and so is Squad Contract for a total of 10% so anything over that came from...
Sweet! The Squad Contract items are the particularly painful ones, especially on MySpace so it's good that you got those working already!
I see you're attempting to make the feed links open up in windows .. awesome! The problem is it only seems to work for the recent items. If you...
Ooohh I like this one too!
For ZS this would ruin hunting for the top players since it's so easy for lower level players to keep them in the negative. For the other games it...
How about an option for a few custom pre-defined messages? Something like each player gets five custom message options and after those messages...
Are you using NoScript or AdBlock or any other page modifiying plugins? Is this on Facebook or MySpace? I believe on Facebook this happens when...
It's about 4% of the total XP needed to complete your current level.
Doh! I liked it not popping up every time =(
They've moved the rewards notification to the feed section of the shooter.