Separate names with a comma.
Oh forget it,I'm removing the app. Boring anyway.
nope didn't work either,thought it did but just the background.
Started working again. If facebook put a freeze on me I thought they'd tell me. Had been sending alot of invites for other games maybe that was it.
Game not loading all morning. Don't see any complaints so is it just me? 8/2 6AM-10AM Pacific.
Only cheaters complain about this. Maybe they should be investigated.
never mind looked at other games and it's not working must be a facebook thing,thanx anyway.
or sending gifts,boosts also.
can't send invites,and it's not a limit thing either. I have deleted inactive squad members and it still wont let me click on send zombie slayer...
without spending money there is only 1 way to level quickly without sacrificing attack,defense and health stats. That's challenge helps and now...
Pump up your energy. If you want to be strong you can't leave all those outbreak skill points behind. I have 456 energy and I need to up mine...
Who's stupid enough to use stamina boost to attack? People just need to work on their stats if they are so worried about defense. I more than...
Ace, which of the 2 factions that you belong to do you like best. fits or sins. :p