Separate names with a comma.
yes totally agree with you demonik1
10 starts got tons of warriors weapons not using anymore
same here loan i still have mine either :(
i got all my hired guns from doing free surveys and videos sure it did take longer but got them full eventually
10 here too nice one
i didnt have the favor points for refilling stamina
not right now sorry you'll have to accept or ignore them all one by one
plse email support shane they need to look into your account and see why they are not counting
thx smack ................
looks fairly positive replys thx everyone thats voted so far :cool:
just teasing fielding ! good luck with the arena
yep i didnt even enter this one :( not even for the free xp
thanks wonder bread
thx akkhunter :)
my only suggestion would be to buy 3 keys i know we dont want to do that but you have no other option if they kept it open for one it would have...