Separate names with a comma.
I've long since quit the game, but I went back to the game for a little visit to all the people I used to play with. I checked someone out of my...
Took me a minute to figure it out, but I think he was saying someone made rank 20 without attacking once.
It's a shame there wasn't any time to discuss it, but then again you do have to blame OP for that. Instead of trying to figure out why and...
I didn't take it personally, but it seems as if there's been a plethora of threads demanding change from an aspect of the game that's been the...
I actually thought I might agree with this until I read it further. Cap more? "Find a way to fix it"? How about uncapping ALL of the aspects?...
This is one of the ways Kano is able to stay in business. Without people continuously buying UN we have no game. If your items are easily met to...
You rated this thread a 1/10 Seems like another thread made from the idea of "Waaah waaaah SOMEONE IS BETTER THAN ME? KANO CHANGE THE GAME RIGHT...
Would just like to clarify that during this time while it appears as if you're doing nothing the attacks are in fact registering. Last arena I had...
I had this same Idea a while back once and for some reason it got downvoted to hell lol 10 stars.
Without even asking what platform he's on this idea should be implemented considering there's 4 platforms and not just facebook.
Great to know you play on facebook. Great to know you vote down ideas that are helpful to the OTHER 3 platforms. Great to know that you vote down...
it's simple free xp, not at a disadvantage. When it started it wasn't there either so technically the LONG term players are at the disadvantage....
Of course you don't. Do you expect to? The strongest always has the highest chance before you factor in other things like strategy and your...
never muted someone before so i didn't notice it but good add