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I use favor points for hired mobsters 50% and for strong items 50% and try to do higher Boss Raids for bigger Rewards .
My thirth Battle Arena ...... I wake up this morning and the Battle Arena was all ready finish for me ... Left .... 3 players remaning .......
The Battle Arena is a disaster for European players . It starts when you are going to bed and when you stand up at morning its all finish So i...
78DB25 .... ADD ME .... I am Daily Player ..... Mob code ..... 78DB25
Add me I am Dailly Player ..... code: 007788 ..... Mob Wars Cosa Nostra .... on Facebook ..... code: 007788
I understand that the Battle Arena is a problem for European players the Battle Start for us at 07 P.M and Sudden Dead the next Day At 05 A.M .. I...
If Sudden death start at 2-3 A.M i Europe you can forget me i am sleeping .... Why you dont use also greenwich time to for Europe ?