Separate names with a comma.
Really unhappy with the rewards received for the effort put in. I spent a total of 80fp on refills, and only got 35 back when other synd members...
Some of the health acheivements are a little excessive. Maybe add in some acheivents for bosses, say level 75, 100, 125 etc? Some atk/def...
Maybe instead of repeating old raids constantly for new players, give players who haven't done a certain raid boss the opportunity to use their...
Congrats to those who have unlocked the new location :D
I think this is a good idea, but I agree with Cricket, if not set up correctly, it could be abused. There would need to be some sort of cap to...
Hi Mitch, There seems to be some confusion on raids. This thread says 26th (Thursday) which would be in keeping with all other raid events. But...
Agreed, this needs doing, not considering ;)
Clicked a few tags including RPG Mitch
Name: Hidden crutch guns Type: weapon Description: Two powerful guns cleverly concealed in a pair of hospital crutches
There is definitely a difference in the healing. during the technofascist raids I was healing for between 8-9k party health for 20 energy, now...
Nice post Mikesmith, I think either the new 3 tier or the 2 tier would work the best!