Separate names with a comma.
Seriously??? Some of the bosses I"m on one stamino doesn't even equal 1% and at one stamina you can get there won't be any drops. Defeats the...
Why is the schedule of the war not consistent? Used to alternate between the early and late start. Now two early starts in a row. Two early...
I saw the links for the votes, they were from 2015?? and nothing came of it. Would be a GREAT option!
Personal opinion, raids should be set up like a regular boss, even if you POST a link in a group, if you DONT flip the switch to allow non clan,...
Good question!! I am finding the same thing!! I shared in a group thinking, even though there are some members that I do not wish on my raid and...
Not sure if its been discussed previously or not, but would it be possible on the leaderboard to also post how much you have acquired from...