Separate names with a comma.
I thought I noticed that too... Also, how many people are participating in raids? now we have a 50, 25, and 5% benchmark, how about color coding...
If you want to open fighting, I would support being able to hit anyone, mobbed or not, on the hitlist. As for the fightlist, or "sparring list",...
Still poking around, are 15 fps the only way to upgrade a case? I've opened one and have one in wait, so perhaps I will see another option after...
I'm a level 4. I was blocked from seeing the hitlist til level 4, but still cant list anyone. What are the hitlist barriers of entry?
After thinking about it, ridiculous stat achievements do set up a different style of play: a character needs to decide which route to go. A 40,000...
True, most of these are long term achievements, still mostly attainable... EXCEPT Jobs Assisted. At 35 jobs a day, if you never miss a day AND...
I feel no sympathy for wc banned players. I have no problem staying level headed and not crossing the line as do most other players. Smack talk is...
Congratulations on catering to players who violate t.o.s. and are rude and/or disruptive in world chat. Any consideration about making a mandatory...
Please o please have the boss be either a hockey team or CFL team! The item drops would be fun. Hockey stick, mask, and zamboni. Or first down...
Well, it's good to know there is some redemption on some useless items. To not need any limited items may take a long time for many, but it's there.
Thanks for the gauntlet! Nice way to link the name of the item and its purpose.
I installed is shortly after initial release, and I still got the bonus after I clicked the link. The app has already improved a lot since then,...
Where can I submit my application?
I think the additional tab is a great idea. That being said, it was MY idea first, as was Facebook, bacon on club sandwiches, and the yo-yo. I...