Separate names with a comma.
I am finding that when I add my A/D loadout it in fact decreases my a/d~! Same if I grab a boost again it makes less than the difference I...
I get better EXP tapping the bosses twice than the raids now~! That is just wrong~! 10 stammy =5 bosses = 30K exp
I am not getting anywhere with your new Raid scale~! Hate it as a matter of fact ....can't use un if I don't have $ and can't take the raids if I...
I am NOT a troll~! if you want lowers (as you yourself are)that can do their job don't be so insulting~! We are trying to at least get a drop too.
I have to use everything just to GET to a "possible" drop now~! I put as much damage and healing as I can on any raid I apply for, to at least get...
YEAH seems to be working now TYVM
at the rate of the levels are now I think 0 to 4K then 4001 to 7k with the rest being 7001K upward. The ratio should match the player levels. IMO
Is this about the gifting to players one to one ? I have no issues with the auto gifting but ...If I gift someone directly, My whole page freezes...
I had cash and well over the amount auto heal should use But I watched it disappear . I will take it off the auto but it has never done that before ~!
[IMG] [IMG] As I attack a boss, I watch the amount add up in the feed but after about 5 attacks it just goes back to zero $ I have not been...
It has all the FB games and more ...I can actually chat in there HOWEVER...I cannot copy and paste any links ...damned if I do damned if I don't~!...
Of course if you don't check you won't win but the auto ticket is certainly overwhelmingly a NON PLAYER item, so for those who actually play......
I have won the lottery one time earlier in the game, However recently I have noticed it is more often given to NON PLAYERS...In-actives should not...