Separate names with a comma.
thats exactly how it works now but because the boss's are getting bigger in level it is taking longer to kill them. As it currently stands it...
Kano after releasing new boss which we are all pleased about you have messed up now as this is the first time we have been without a world boss to...
cool thanks :D
Any info on the drops mi7ch?? or will they be pretty much useless for higher levels until we have collected enough??
ive just refilled twice and now it is saying i am not allowed to refill any more today and my count shows i have refilled 12 times in 3 days when...
it runs for 3 days not 4.......
its 3FP for 50 tokens so it uses 12FP per day totalling 36FP over the 3 days just for clarification.
Mitch no offence but i know this was designed to be fairer but 200 Tokens and another 200 by refills is a load of b*ll*cks i know its all in a...
thank you someone else who is also saying the same thing and knows what i mean rather than saying i was "doing something to trigger it" BS
Not quite sure who you are or who you think you are but i have been in this game a lot longer than you and i know for a fact that there has been a...
I get that too but I also get slow down when hitting and it stops me hitting for 3 seconds which is NOT cool devs. There is a restriction to stop...
Technically he could if he was to deactivate his account and start a new account altogether and devs make the account unavailable dont u think?...
????? Not quite sure what you are on about here??? You click fight details it shows all your attacking weapons, vehicles and armour so where did...
so how exactly did you work out that you cannot level by just doing bosses?? the bigger your health the more damage you do which in turn gives...
Without being rude Kendall you seriously have no idea then if that is how you think....... my reason for saying this is due to people wanting to...