Not sure if you are aware, but EVERY SINGLE Watch n Earn and Survey offer that we click on are giving us the message "You just missed this limited time offer. Come back often to find new deals." What is going on? This has been happening for a couple of weeks now in PC on FB.
This is not KANO department, (2nd party advertisement) be glad get option to even acquire free FP's through videos most don't even get the option. My guess it's Trial Pay.
Even though it's not kano. They can look into it and get with the advertisment and figure out why the issue is happening. and Jos is not the only one to realize this issue. Many have been complaining about this feature over and over.
I know Jon, I was 1st person that fought Trial Pay and got reinstated on their glitch, believe me it pissed me off and I still get offer completed, but I just deal with it now.
Your talking about the glitch where you could watch the video's over and over and over again and get favor points for it. I am thinking your referring to. May be wrong. But this is just simply every time the thing lights up saying new video offered to watch it simply says you missed out check back next time. Even if it's a few seconds after being posted.
Correct on that numerous videos John. What I meant though this is a Trial Pay issue not KANO even though KANO uses them as advertiser, it's not their problem, is it? Yes, I do believe KANO should contact them directly, but that is on them. Have you ever tried contacting Trial support? It is awful even trying to get a message in return. One thing I can say most people in Canada/BC, don't even see these videos not to mention around the world. I know it's oriented to certain products. I have to admit who has never seen a "very well known ranch sauce/ketchup" yet select countries can't watch the video.<--- Old video just a example.
Hey Jon - I'm not talking about abusing the Watch n Earn videos ... I am talking about not even getting a chance to do one or even complete a survey for extra FP's.
them favor points maybe free by watchin them videos but u have got to be careful on which one u watch bc sometimes them ads to contain viruses figure i would put that out there as well for everyone...which that i am correct an not wrong...
Hi folks, Sorry to hear that you're having trouble with Trial Pay! Jades is right, Kano/Apps doesn't control what happens through Trial Pay, so you'll need to contact their Customer Support. The way to do this is to click on "Earn Favor Points" on the bottom of the game, click on Help and then click on See My Offer Status. This will take you to Trail Pay's support with all your Facebook information so they can help you out. I'll also speak to the developers here about this so that they're aware of the issue. Thanks for reporting it!
Trial Pay has confirmed a fix for this, so we have just pushed out "New Offers" which we reverted because it was the cause of more than usual "You just missed this offer!" Please let us know if you see any issues on Pirate Clan.
Had to find this thread, in FB VC it is occurring again Kendall LOL. Oh well dealt with it before just giving a heads up. Getting these as well LOL
Hmm, this looks a little different than the old "You just missed this offer!". It might just be a temporary hiccup with Trialpay, let us know if this keeps happening and we'll get in touch with them!
It's doing it on the videos as well, guess left that part out. That's where get black background scene with the "You just missed this offer!"
Couple more on offers, all pics are different Trialpay links besides last pic to show error as well in tool bar
Actually, it's starting to get worse on video's and survey's/deals "missed limited offer" and "error connections"
I keep getting the same message, This has been happening sporadically over the past couple of months. Stop teasing me!!
Psst. You just missed this limited offer. Keep trying while we laugh at ya for clicking us every time we pop up.