LOL.....Im starting to feel like u didnt read my post. If a player remained inactive for a certain amount of time they would be booted out of their defensive stance and at this point they are fair game to be attacked and killled. Although would not be nearly as likely that they would win or even rank well. But if they were present and even a lil active and met the minimum requirement they could still jockey in and out of def. stance. This would still allow them to be minimally active and do what it is they need to do and still rank well while not diminishing their impressive defense in the least
As an have 3 hours of def. stance and start the arena in d mode because u wont make it there on time or u simply choose to monitor the arena. After 1/2 hour of inactivity passes u will be automatically removed from D stance. At this point a few things might happen...A) a player might find u and attack and kill you, B) a player might find u and attack only to find u to strong for them despite not being in def. stance and leaves u alone, C) U r there monitoring your account...u perform the minimal amount of attacks and go back into def. stance without getting the 5 minute time reduction. D) u are there monitoring your account but either decide to do nothing or are immediately attacked b4 u get the minimum and u decide to go back into d stance before the minimum requirement is met and you are penalized a certain amount of def. stance.
This actually could be very strategic for players that choose to minimally active. A large amount of defense would still be of uber importance and the minimum requirements would be more in keeping with the intent of the arena and also allowing lesser active players to rank well and even win while getting the full amount of rewards for their ranking.
You may not like the term "hard core gamers" but thats the crowd the arena was intended for. If a player wants to be much more passive/casual then they can sit in their hidden guild and hit undeads.
Just like any other part of the games if a player is not going to take the time to find out what the rules and guidelines are or work toward a better strategy than thats on them. Like I said previously......many players are present and monitoring their status in the wouldnt take long for them to figure outt that things had changed and word of mouth would quickly inform most others. But in the end does it really even matter? They just signed up, planned on doing nothing and hoped for the best in the first place right? Besides....the same holds true for the rest of the game as well....players eventually figure things out despite never coming to the forums.
Yes....some inactives could still fly under the radar and still rank well despite an update like this but it would make it less likely that it would happen in such large numbers like it currently is. I actually thinks thats a selling point...Im not trying to make it completely lopsided in favor of active or high attack players....just want to level the playing field a bit and make the arena a bit more in keeping to what it was intended. High defense player would still have a great chance with minimal effort....they just would no longer be guaranteed a great rank for doing absolutely nothing.
Last edited: Sep 20, 2013