[VC] Battle Arena Defensive Mode

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Demonik1, Sep 20, 2013.

  1. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    I've seen alot of debate about the inactivity of the arena participants and rewards given for nothing. how about make the defensive time earned? the more attacks you have, the more defense time you earn. you want to promote activity then give the inactives a reason to be active. you will never again see ANYONE sit in dmode for the duration of ANY arena
  2. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I really like this idea and couldnt agree more with the sentiment behind it. The arena was supposed to be an all out battle among players that enjoyed the PVP aspect. Defense is a 100% viable strategy but in no way should it be allowed to be ones entire game plan as its has way to much of an advantage in its current form. Being able to ride out an entire arena in defense is in total contradiction of the stated purpose of the arena.

    With that said...I think this idea needs a bit more refining. A players amount of in-game defense should definitely play some type of role and not be discounted. Its earned just like ones attack strength and health.

    Perhaps a player should be able to keep their present amount of time in def. but only be able to use so much of it at a time based on activity. Strictly for examples sake lets say a player has 2 hrs of defensive stance and they start the arena in defensive stance, after a 1/2 an hour of inactivity they are automatically booted out of def. stance and will not be allowed to go back into Defensive stance until a certain number of attacks have been made(100 ) or a certain amount of time elapses. At that point they can go back in to def. mode for another 1/2 hour...repeat repeat repeat until theyve used all their def. stance....at that point they will have to wait their normal amount of regeneration time

    Other than that def. can work the way it always has. Players can keep their earned Def. but not be able to blatantly exploit the defensive loophole.

    Im sure there will be opposition to this idea as players have become accustomed to doing well while doing nothing or with a minimal amount of effort. Im sure that players will complain because they cant be there at the start of an arena or even at all. Sorry....but thats simply not a valid argument. Either your there to participate or you are not, ones personal schedule is no excuse to ruin what the intended purpose of the arena and the experience for the players that actually do show up for it. Its not as if the arena is a mandatory event. Its not as if any part of the arena or ones results have any negative impact on ones main game. Players already get free XP for merely signing up. Allow the players that actually want to play the arena as it was intended and actual support the arena and Kano itself by using monetary or in game resources to participate to have realistic chance . Obviously an active player must play intelligently if they hope to stand a chance especially if they are not the most powerful player but at the same time their results shouldnt be dependent on how many players didnt bother to show up and sat in Def. stance the entire time. Make players play! Currently you are promoting and rewarding inactivity ...that makes zero sense in any aspect of the games let alone the one aspect thats sole purpose was to give players with a lack of a rival page yet enjoyed the PVP aspect something to do. If players dont want to fight and be active they can go sit in their hidden guilds and hit undeads all day long. Make the arena what it was suppose to be in the first place....MURDER AND MAYHEM!

    10 STARS!
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2013
  3. ben

    ben Active Member

    it would be all wrong to take that from players all together...

    every player has earn where there def time is ...

    so on that i give this one a 1...
  4. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    No one can make someone else play anything, Players who want to play, play, others who don't for a variety of reasons, don't. What if someone signs up to play and finds that two weeks later something came up and they can't ? So the ones who are playing still have a target there, that helps actives advance. I vote no. I know alot who build their characters one way or the other, way before arenas were even a thought, that should make no difference . I wonder if all inactives went on strike and said NO we are not even gonna bother to join for the XP , who and how many would be left to even attack, would be interesting to find that out . lol
  5. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Nobody is suggesting that anyone "take that from players all together".

    I suggested they keep their earned amount of defense just that they need to actually participate to some extent in order to take full advantage of it. As it stands now Def. carries way to much weight for doing absolutely nothing but entering. Someones amount of attack is earned as well.....why should they have to be there and be active and expend resources the entire time just to achieve the same result as someone that doest have to be there or expend any resources? How is that fair or even make any sense? You know as well as I do what the whole point of the arena was and in its current form it doesnt even come close. As Ive stated countless times before this would be much less of an issue if the arena lasted longer but thats just not the case.
  6. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Well what if someone is at work and knows they will miss the first two hours or so, and know that being in def mode, will prob allow them to play when they do get home. How fair would it be if they did not have that option ? by losing some of their def time , some go into def when getting pounded by a group ,so they wait it out and hope to be back in near the end to get the extra xp for attacking , etc. and the same result, ?? an active player receives a lot of xp for actually fighting in it, besides a lot of levels while an inactive , maybe a few FP and a bit of coin and no xp, except the joining XP , that everyone gets. An inactive or barely active who has alot of health in turn provides a player with a nice health boost and maybe even a nice if not a winning rank in the arena. Seems like a fair exchange :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 20, 2013
  7. ben

    ben Active Member

    say that is that case my hat is off to them for there strategy to hope to make it to a better rank...
  8. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    No ones trying to make anyone do anything. The goal here is to keep things more inkeeping with the arenas stated intent and to make it a level plying field for everyone. As it stands now A player who has good attack must be present and expend resources to have a realistic shot at doing well. A player with good Defense simply has to enter and head out to the beach and has a great shot at doing well while not expending any resources. Kano stated the arena was going to favor balanced builds.....do u think they achieved that? The whole idea behind the arena was to give players who like PVP something to do. Someone winning an arena because they sat in def. the entire time and never had a single attack is absurd. Players can do nothing all day in the regular game why should they be rewarded for doing nothing in the one area of the game that was designed specifically for actually being active?

    Obviously life happens and there are times that people cant make it but the same holds true for the rest of the game as well If you cant make it for one reason or another you cant set your regular game on auto pilot and keep streaks alive can u? Although life happens and that may be unfortunate...its not a reason to benefit more for less. It actually goes well beyond "life happens".. a huge number of players sign up with the sole intent of never lifting a finger in the arena while remaining active in the regular game and perform quite well in the arena....that is anything but the point of the arena....its a loop hole if ever there was one. Ide like to get boss rewards and adventure drops for doing absolutely nothing while not using any energy or stamina but I certainly dont see that happening anytime soon. Why should it be any different in tyhe one aspect of the game that was specifically designed for activity?

    Obviously the more players the better in the arena but I would love to see all the inactive go on strike even if it meant lesser rewards and/or levels...at least it would be in keeping with what it was supposed to be. But with that said I dont see that ever happening due to the free XP just for entering. Some people are just lazy and love free crap and have no regard for how it affects others. Then u have people that actually support these games whether financially or through activity.....personally I think kano should be leaning a bit more to the side of players that actually afford them jobs. Call me crazy....lol
  9. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Sitting in defense the entire time is not strategic its an exploitation of a loophole.
  10. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    When I said no one can make anyone play, I am just saying that doing something " about" inactives, is not gonna make a bit of difference to inactives, it is not gonna make them want to play or not play. IMO not everyone who plays these games are ( and I hate this term) harcore game addicts lol, so they are not even gonna look to see if Kano does anything to impede their def mode timing or anything like that, they will still join, some will still rank high and there is nothing that can be done, why not just use them to get a health bonus by killing them , that , to me seems to be beneficial for active participants, so why penalize them. I do get why it bothers some, the Idea bothered me when the arenas first came out,but I adjusted to the idea. I do want to add the arena really is not my thing, anyway, never was. I do alot of fighting in the games, do not need an arena to do more but that is just my personal experience :) Now I am off to work .
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 20, 2013
  11. ben

    ben Active Member

    dont agree on that... even active player will only hit there 100 or so attacks and then ride it out ... so yes it very much shows to be a strategy... next...
  12. ben

    ben Active Member

    we all no by now there will always be
  13. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    It would be unfortunate but 100% fair. Hopefully they will find another arena down the line that works with their schedule better. These are games not constitutional rights. Think of the arena as a tournament how many other tournaments are put on hold or its participants given essentially a free pass to rank and reward even if they dont show up or are late?

    Option? Of course there are options. I almost never sign up for an arena until right before it starts because I know that life happens and I might not be able to make it. But if I wanted to sign up weeks in advance I could do that too but I certainly wouldnt expect or think that I should be able to win if I didnt show up.

    My suggestion did not include losing any defensive time only that they be booted out of def. stance after a certain amount of inactivity. If they happen to show up and become a active they would be allowed to go back into defensive stance with no penalty other than the defense time they had already used. The numbers I cited as far as duration in my OP were simply for examples sake.

    Your example of a player getting pounded on by a another player or a group of players and going into Def. stance has no bearing on this idea. Your example basically insinuates that a player is there and active....this idea would only affect inactive players and still allow them to come in late and participate if they so wish.

    Fair exchange? An active player has to expend resources in exchange for the benefits....the inactive player does not. As an example. to win an arena in most cases most players will spend nearly as much FP as they will win. In most cases any other decent rank will receive far less Fp then they will get in return. An inactive player that places welll or even wins will spend nothing and still get the rewards for placing 26th as well as all the rewards that come along with the achievements for the actual rank they get.

    In the end Linda its all about the arenas intended purpose which was meant for active PVP players. Much of the rest of the games rewards all kinds of inactivity or casual/passive play...why dilute and diminishes yet another aspect?
  14. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    LOL.....Im starting to feel like u didnt read my post. If a player remained inactive for a certain amount of time they would be booted out of their defensive stance and at this point they are fair game to be attacked and killled. Although possible....it would not be nearly as likely that they would win or even rank well. But if they were present and even a lil active and met the minimum requirement they could still jockey in and out of def. stance. This would still allow them to be minimally active and do what it is they need to do and still rank well while not diminishing their impressive defense in the least

    As an example.....you have 3 hours of def. stance and start the arena in d mode because u wont make it there on time or u simply choose to monitor the arena. After 1/2 hour of inactivity passes u will be automatically removed from D stance. At this point a few things might happen...A) a player might find u and attack and kill you, B) a player might find u and attack only to find u to strong for them despite not being in def. stance and leaves u alone, C) U r there monitoring your account...u perform the minimal amount of attacks and go back into def. stance without getting the 5 minute time reduction. D) u are there monitoring your account but either decide to do nothing or are immediately attacked b4 u get the minimum and u decide to go back into d stance before the minimum requirement is met and you are penalized a certain amount of def. stance.

    This actually could be very strategic for players that choose to minimally active. A large amount of defense would still be of uber importance and the minimum requirements would be more in keeping with the intent of the arena and also allowing lesser active players to rank well and even win while getting the full amount of rewards for their ranking.

    You may not like the term "hard core gamers" but thats the crowd the arena was intended for. If a player wants to be much more passive/casual then they can sit in their hidden guild and hit undeads.

    Just like any other part of the games if a player is not going to take the time to find out what the rules and guidelines are or work toward a better strategy than thats on them. Like I said previously......many players are present and monitoring their status in the arena....it wouldnt take long for them to figure outt that things had changed and word of mouth would quickly inform most others. But in the end does it really even matter? They just signed up, planned on doing nothing and hoped for the best in the first place right? Besides....the same holds true for the rest of the game as well....players eventually figure things out despite never coming to the forums.

    Yes....some inactives could still fly under the radar and still rank well despite an update like this but it would make it less likely that it would happen in such large numbers like it currently is. I actually thinks thats a selling point...Im not trying to make it completely lopsided in favor of active or high attack players....just want to level the playing field a bit and make the arena a bit more in keeping to what it was intended. High defense player would still have a great chance with minimal effort....they just would no longer be guaranteed a great rank for doing absolutely nothing.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2013
  15. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    With all due respect Ben. Your opinion really doesnt matter to me as its painfully obvious you purposely avoid valid points and rarely offer any reasoning for your viewpoints. Stating that something is just because u say it is doent make it so nor does it do anything to convince anyone otherwise. Obviously u have pointed out that u dont like the idea, thanks for your input.

    In my opinion getting 100 attacks is not strategic its an exploitation of a loophole brought on by a ridiculously low minimum and an arena that puts way to much emphasis on Def above all else in an aspect of the game that was intended for active players and was suppose to favor balanced builds.
  16. ben

    ben Active Member

    well then again i could say your missing the point...

    there will always be inactives in ba lik
    e it or not for we all no thats a true fact...

    now for what ever reason why there inactive real life or strategy its going to be there...

    really inactives dont bother me reason why is more kills for me more levels for me ...

    i no you do the same
  17. ben

    ben Active Member

    o yea my
    opinion does matter like anyones... like it or not pimp...
  18. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Of course it does Ben...just not so much to me. Dont take me wrong Im not trying to slam on ya....ya seem like a decent guy. I just dont put a lot of credence in what people say that dont back up their comments with actual reasoning. If my comment offended you I most certainly apologize and ensure you that it was not my intent
  19. I think this suggestion is brilliant. Having played most VC arenas since their inception, I couldn't agree more with Polish's argument. We have discussed this at length and as usual, he has come up with what I feel is the perfect compromise that seems to offer concessions to all parties involved.

    Thanks for starting this thread, Demonk. Thank you Polish for refining the idea.
  20. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I get all the points, I argued them till blue in the face when the arena was new, I get it, and I don't necessarily disagree, so much as I feel that if a player has a high defense, does their min required hits , goes into def mode , they should not be penalized if they do not come back to play, and the reason I feel that way is because they are still there to be hit and useful for an active player and beneficial to any active player and but to lose any time or be thrown out of def mode if they do not come back, that is where I disagree. Their health is prob gonna be attractive to other players and when their time is done in def mode they will be taken out. I look for an inactive and use them for their health even if their health is not a tremendous boost, but to get a kill it is worth it if I wind up with more health after killing them.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 20, 2013

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