[All] interest

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by neill1990, Sep 15, 2013.

  1. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    not sure if this has been brought up before. but anyway why is it that when we store our money into the bank/storage we dont collect interest off of it. i would say 1 or 2% would do just fine but the only good thing as of now of storing money n there is that when you get attacked (if deposited all of it) you dont lose any but i dont see a point in that due to the fact that loseing 500,000 is change i find on the ground in there.

    basicly why dont we have interest and i think that interest should be included into these games because it gives people meaning to store there money in the bank.(other then for the achievements)

    thread has been spit so please post all replies you have to the savings bond in this thread it would be much appreciated- http://forums.kanoapps.com/showthread.php?10801-interest-savings-bonds&p=91931#post91931

    also if i split the thread again to keep all ideas seperate ill post another link to where the other thread is.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2013
  2. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I don't store my money, so not interested :p
  3. Hoard Balance: 0 coins

    yes i think we should have something that interest us on using the bank!!!
    I would like to see a robbing thingy or so... in which it be under the battle tab .. so robbing will allow us to rob other people lands, properties ... this should allow us to get lot of gold when we get a fully successful rob... that way pirates will save their gold on the hoard ... currently, only low leveled people hide their money, but once they build their self they don't/won't need the hoard ...
  4. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    No thanks people hide coin already, not sure why but 1 star from me.
  5. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    This idea has been brought up many times way way back in the day but havent seen it mentioned recently. With that said...Im all for making banking ones money play a bigger role. there really isnt much reason to bank ones money other than bragging rights. The 500k max one is rewarded when defeating someone is peanuts to all but the lowest of levels and the achievements for hoard are way behind. 10 stars
  6. ben

    ben Active Member

    i agree i will give it a 10 also...
  7. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    I like the idea so a 10 from me :)
  8. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Whats the point of putting a huge amount of coin in the bank? The bank deducts 5% .....how many losses would it take to lose that same 5%? With the amount of coin I have on hand....It would take years for me to lose the same 5% through losses of 500k at a time.

    Perhaps we should have options such as different interest amounts for diff lengths of time the coin is to be banked with penalties for early withdrawals. For examples sake..... 0.5% interest on an amount banked for 10 days. 1% interest on an amount banked for 30 days with penalties that increase with higher interest rate you choose.

    I suppose there would also have to be limits as far as how long one could accrue interest as well. Or better yet have it tied to a players activeness....if a player does not sign in and check their balance then their account stops accruing interest or a penalty is imposed. just a few thoughts.
  9. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    im not really in agreement with the penalty with early withdraws. but i guess you could make the games bank "more realistic" in a sence by haveing 2 bank acounts-

    1 standard- no interest on money and but there are deposit fees 5%(as it is now)

    2 the other one could be labeled something along the lines of saving- there would be a smaller deposit fee (2.5%) for depositing money into this account but whatever money is stored into the acount gains 1 or 2% interest on stored money exactly at midnight.(would varry depending on the location you are in.) but the only downfall to this would be that when you want to withdraw money the rest of the persent(2.5) would be taken as a withdraw fee. that only seems like a fair trade scence you are gaining money and having a reduced deposit fee. this way people still make money but they cant just put money into the bank and take it out the next day because they would be losing money. then also the money can only be stored up to a month and after the month is up all remaining money still inside of the account would be imideitly put into your other bank account.unless there has been activity in the account(such as deposits/withdraws) within 30 days. and when time is up and all money is put over into the standard account there would be a 5% deposit fee on the money brought over.

    so this would make it so that inactives dont hoard quads of money and come back (lets say) a year later and have another few quad built off of interest. also so that it can make people alot of money or cost them some money just depends on how you do it. also incorperates polishes idea in a way.
  10. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Ok ...im confused. Initially u stated u didnt like the idea of early withdrawal penalties but then went on to outline one yourself....lol

    Basically there has to be a penalty of some sort as it shouldnt be all upside and there also needs to be a limit as to how much one can gain over time. Thats why I suggested it be tied to activeness....if a player wants to take advantage of an update like this they should be active players. Maybe something more like a savings bond . predetermined amounts that can be purchased but dont mature for a certain amount of time and/or activity yet cant be cashed in early without a steep penalty
  11. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    no i didnt say i wasnt in agreement i was just saying i wasnt in complete agreement i dont think i read over the post again so i might have had it worded wrong.

    and ya i see what you are meaning and ya the way that i stated could still be abused. the savings bond sounds like a good idea and i have a way that it moght work. this way would be for the low medeum levels and above, because the really low levels i dont think would gain much from it. also the lower levels it would be improbable that they would be able to aford it.

    here it is-

    step 1: you select one of the preset amounts 1tril, 10 tril, 100tril, 1quad,10 quad, 100 quad, and 1quantillion(quant) into a savings bond.(i go up to i quant because that would mean that nobody would be able to do that one and would make some people determnd to get acces to it hence more activity/ also sorta said it because then there isnt a single person who has acces to everything in the game and as some have stated before they want something that nobody can get yet so there it is)

    step 2: after you select the designated amount you can select how long you want it to be for. the options would be 1 month with a 10% increase. 3 months 50% increase. 6 months 150%increase. and 1 year 250% increase. after you select what one you want then you click the end/finish button, then the savings bond has been created.

    if you take out money early you either take it all or you dont touch it. but if you do decide to take the money out it would give you a warning saying underneath(or could be above)-

    75% of the money will be a penalization for ending the bond early, if you wish to take some money out, you will only be able to take all or nothing.(or something along the lines of that)

    you would be able to have more then 1 savings bond open at a time.(up to 3) also the numbers(%s) for the bonds i dont think are high enough considering how much income we get per day and that adds up over a year so it might not be worth it. so if you agree worth the numbers alright but if you think they should be higher post the number and why.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2013
  12. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Im not gonna get into trying to figure out any actual numbers....I'll leave that to the boys n girls of Kano to figure that out as nobody knows better than they how to maintain the balance in the big scheme of things.

    I do like the basic idea of the diff size, time and dividends though. I also like the idea of a penalty for ending the bond/investment early, either you ride it out or lose a good portion for withdrawing early.

    I still think it all still needs to be linked to active play though...otherwise a player could invest everything and just walk away until it had all matured, cash in and then do it all over again. It could be something as simple as a minimum deposit into ones hoard every so often. Not really sure...will have to think on it a bit.
  13. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    i have a way to fix that.-

    if you are not active within a 2 weeks time you then lose all money invested. NO refunds

    i would say more time but if you go onto vacation or something unexpected came up i feel like 2 weeks would be enough time.

    also i will think this over throughout the day and when i get back i might have more to add
  14. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    aright i have a little more to add and the thought that was running through my mind all day was what happens if you are doing the 1 year long bond with 1 quant. you would be out some serious amount of money if you sliped at any time durring the bond period. so a way that i have come up with is by using FP and i know how it sounds but bare with me. you would use 10FP to pause the bond for as long as you wish but durring this time all bonds are frozen and you wont be able to add anymore bonds or take the money(with penalty of course). you would first have to click the resume button on it to be able to do any sort of action with them.

    this would prevent people from using the 10FP and abusing that option because it will then pause the bond.

    also for those that are thinking what is this savings bond you are talking about-

    you basicly give the government money and they pay you back the money with a little bit of interest, so basicly the opisite of a loan in a you could say. but in this case you give davy jones however much you selected and select the amount of time you want it for then the money will acumulate over time.

    ill post the numbers per day the bond will get for all selected amounts.(this might take a little while)
  15. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    The problem I have with this besides measily coin on attack that get is that actually the hoarder that hides "all his coin" is already getting interest "if can beat opponent" it's rather annoying, I've seen it done. So why give a bonus to those that actually use that tactic? Most don't do it, but giving interest in saved hoard you don't think more might use same tactic? Yes I've seen over level 5k players do this I'm not talking little guys, No thanx.

    What's the old saying? Oh yeah find a penny pick it up, put it in your pocket. It's not real coin but still.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2013
  16. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    ill put an edit into this post for the other half.

    here is the total amounts that you will get-

    --- total amount-----------amount per day (months based on 30 days so not exact, year total=360 days)
    1 tril:

    1 month- 1,100,000,000,000----------1 month- 36666666666
    3 months-1,500,000,000,000---------3 months- 16666666666
    6 months- 2,500,000,000,000--------6 months- 13888888888
    1 year- 3,500,000,000,000-------------1 year- 9722222222

    10 tril:
    1 month-11,000,000,000,000------------1 month- 366,666,666,666
    3 months-15,000,000,000,000----------3 months- 166,666,666,666
    6 months- 25,000,000,000,000---------6 months- 138,888,888,888
    1 year- 35,000,000,000,000--------------1 year- 97,222,222,222

    100 tril:
    1 month- 110,000,000,000,000--------1 months-3,666,666,666,666
    3 months-150,000,000,000,000-------3 months- 1,666,666,666,666
    6 months- 250,000,000,000,000------6 months- 1.388.888.888.888
    1 year- 350,000,000,000,000-----------1 year- 972,222,222,222

    1 quad-
    1 month- 1,100,000,000,000,000-----------1 month- 36,666,666,666,666
    3 months-1,500,000,000,000,000----------3 months- 16,666,666,666,666
    6 months- 2,500,000,000,000,000---------6 months- 13,888,888,888,888
    1 year- 3,500,000,000,000,000--------------1 year- 9,722,222,222,222

    10 quad-
    1 month-11,000,000,000,000,000--------1 month- 366,666,666,666,666
    3 months-15,000,000,000,000,000------3 months- 166,666,666,666,666
    6 months- 25,000,000,000,000,000-----6 months- 138,888,888,888,888
    1 year- 35,000,000,000,000,000-----------1 year- 97,222,222,222,222

    100 quad:
    1 month-110,000,000,000,000,000----------1 month- 3,666,666,666,666,666
    3 months-150,000,000,000,000,000--------3 months- 1,666,666,666,666,666
    6 months- 250,000,000,000,000,000-------6 months- 1,388,888,888,888,888
    1 year- 250,000,000,000,000,000------------1 year- 972,222,222,222,222

    1 quant:
    1 month-1,100,000,000,000,000,000---------1 month- 36,666,666,666,666,666
    3 months-1,500,000,000,000,000,000-------3 months- 16,666,666,666,666,666
    6 months-2,500,000,000,000,000,000-------6 months- 13,222,222,222,222,222
    1 year- 3,500,000,000,000,000,000------------1 year- 9,722,222,222,222,222

    EDIT: that took a while to type all out but it is done and yes the nimbers do drop but you have to look at it in the long run to realize how much money you are actually gaining. also i didnt use a full year because i found that it was alot easier to find the amount for a 360 day year instead of 365 day year. so the numbers are slightly off.

    then in reply to Matthew William Jaderlund- this thread started as just one idea but has now grown to 3 so dont just judge your vote for 1 idea, because there are 3 different ways that the interest could work in the kano games. just hope kano chooses one of them though.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2013
  17. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Ever think people hoarding coin what will do to the bounty listings?
  18. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    that is why people take coin out of bank and most of the time people arnt storing all of there money. not really getting what your trying to say because it only takes a couple clickes to get the desired amount out of bank to list someone.
  19. LaScepter

    LaScepter Well-Known Member

    Im not a fan of this...first why is it our hoard balances are public ?..who wants to tie up their quads for 6 months , 1 yr....not even 3 months.....maybe 30days...if there is an added achievement for it......for an incentive..maybe...i know i wouldnt....if anything drop the hoard deposit fee and only charge it for a withdrawl...anything that costs us more gold/money in the game im not a fan..we pay fees for placing a bounty...fee for deposits , withdrawls , some crafting is expesive...... no star from me...sorry ..
  20. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    to answer your first question your balences are private unless it is standard hoard. and i think you arent understanding it quite right, you dont just keep throwing more money into the bond it is a 1 time fee and over the selected amount of time you will get your money back plus a little bit of interest. and ya i guess they could add achievments but that would be kanos choice not mine and not really sure what the acievments might be anyways. the insentive would be that you get your money back plus interest. there is no withdraw fee as it is now( or are you talking about one of the ideas).

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