poaching is definitely a strategy and because some dont like it they complain
the game is about who's got the most health wins
you kill you get health
chaining someone down from 600 mill to death is not the game its called getting xp a bi product of the arena
if you play smart you chain someone down who you dont loose health or very little health but you gain much xp chaining
if you dont get the kill you havent lost anything only gained much xp
the rules dont say you cant sit and study and observe and if you see one going down you not allowed to try to kill it
the rules dont say if you are the one chaining someone down only you allowed to kill it
people all bent out of shape because they dont like the fact the someone got the kill instead like its there right
its arena everyone against everyone only 1 winner
all that matters is who gets the kill not how the player went down
Last edited: May 24, 2013