[ZS] Battle Arena 07/05/2013

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Wonder Bread, May 7, 2013.

  1. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    As you all experienced with the previous Battle Arena, we've been having performance issues because of some ongoing server problems we are working to resolve. We've recently made further improvements that should, theoretically, improve performance for the May 7th arena. That being said, we will be monitoring the arena closely to ensure that it's performing as expected, and will make an announcement immediately if we experience and further issues.

    We absolutely appreciate everyone's patience while we work to resolve these issues, and we look forward getting the game back up to the level of responsiveness that you all know and love.

    Please post any performance issues you experience in the May 7th Arena to this thread so that all feedback is contained in one place. :)

    UPDATE May 7th: We believe that we have fixed the root cause of the performance issues! This should result in a quick and responsive (and consequently more fun) Arena. That being said, if you do run into any "hanging" pages or other performance-based issues, please let us know by posting in this thread. Thanks again for everyone's patience while we figured this out, now go enjoy beating the snot out of eachother! :)
  2. Just Dreym

    Just Dreym Member

    Lost over 1 hour 15 mins on my defense mode. That's after adding a bunch of def gear and significantly raising my defense. Something break?

    Everyone else seems to have the same issue. Folks we know the arena cators to high attack builds and the only perk we get is having a longer defense timer. The way ya all had it before was a fair trade off. Is this a bug or you planning on keeping it this way cause if so a bunch of us wasted our skillpoints...
  3. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    Thanks for letting us know about this :) It looks like there was an issue with Defensive stance time being based on your current loadout, rather than the snapshot loadout that all your other perks/stats are based on, which means that if you removed your high-defense items after the arena started, it would have affect the amount of D-stance time you had.

    We've successfully isolated the issue, and this will be fixed for future arenas. For the current arena, re-equipping your high-defense items should return your D-stance time to what you're used to.
  4. So what

    So what Member

    I kept a screen shot in def mode the timer is not working I've other issues but ill send them direct to support with the screenshots
  5. Well Kano, in my oppinion, you did a very good job this time, congrats
  6. Just Dreym

    Just Dreym Member

    No Hun that wasn't the case I was wearing my highest defense gear and even had my legendary equipted. Just letting you know so you guys can make note. On top of that the last arena shows I had a 5 defense perk and the arena before that my defense perk was 5.5. Lower being better and being I was wearing my best def items at the start my timer should lasted longer not less.
  7. Just Dreym

    Just Dreym Member

    Another thing I noticed that i kept getting errors if I was attacking someone while they were hitting me. That's new?
  8. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    @So What Excellent, thanks!

    @JD Hmm, very odd. Our devs are looking into the issue for future arenas, but any info/screen shots you have about your personal experience would be most helpful. Please send those through Support so we have them on file :)

    @BCV Glad to hear it, thanks!
  9. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I too noticed an issue with my d-stance time in the last 2 VC arenas. At the time I had only been strengthening my def yet my time in def mode was cut more than half
  10. Jim Wells

    Jim Wells Member

    I noticed that if i clicked to fast that I got a message saying something like unable to attack while you are being attacked. it was kinda like hitting the throttle, as I know I wasn't really being attacked.
  11. So what

    So what Member

    Its on another thread for lcn

    But id like to see your avatars removed in the arena it should be totally anonymous
    Its currently not in fact its like a huge target on your back

    Higher or lower levels

    Makes no odds it needs to be addressed

  12. Just Dreym

    Just Dreym Member

    Absolutely but even that wont solve the problem. A lot of times I can tell who certain players are just by their health reward. They would have to remove the avitars and make the health reward a surprise till the target is dead. Guess it could be done. /shrugs
  13. Just Dreym

    Just Dreym Member

    Also what they need to do to stop the sniping is make it so that when your attacking a player they are locked in so nobody but you can attack them unless there has been a 60 second delay. That is fair.
  14. Just Dreym

    Just Dreym Member

    I have low stamina and I cant even express the disappointment of saving my rewards for 7 days just to get sniped 12 times in an arena. Lock in targets for 60 seconds and that problem goes away...and then the high levels don't have to spend so much time killing our snipers.
  15. im the beast

    im the beast Member

    every1 but one will die no matter if they snipe or not, and the locked on target wouldnt work either b/c u have people that team up on others, and others that try and help freinds get health up i have b4 taken a target down to let some1 else kill, so that just wouldnt work,,, and ive done over 700k attacks so far and know about snipers...lol anyways just my 2 cent sniping is just part of it..
  16. Just Dreym

    Just Dreym Member

    No disrespect my friend but they can still help you they just have to wait a measely 60 seconds. Besides when faction wars launches they can do the same thing only lock the target within the faction. I know its slightly inconvient but I would think for the average legitamate player this would make way more sense.
  17. Just Dreym

    Just Dreym Member

    Btw the health perk in the newest arena seems to be broken. I added more health and now I have less health then the last one...wowserz :p
  18. im the beast

    im the beast Member

    ok thats all good but there will b others watching and im sure a timer of some kind would b n place, so lets say i stop timer start and the 20 people that could b watching see this timer start instead of the hole 20 people gettin a chance the first n the fight would that might not b my friend that gets the kill, and wouldnt have that chance either b/c some1 else has locked on....where now ill take the kill down post name to faction or friend and give them a chance to snipe me...i dont stop,so me or hopefully who im pasting to will get the kill... ive stopped attacking b4 dont always go ur way so its best to just not stop.. but again thats my 2cents... ive grown to like the way it is however i do wish the speed of attacking would go back to what it was in the beginning..although most of the time it is fine...
  19. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    With the overwhelming majority of players in the arena being low to mid level players with similar numbers , how does their avatar put a target on there back? Realistically the only players that are impacted negatively are the higher leveled players and even then its only minor as they are easy to identify by their stats and the limited number of players that have stats like that.
  20. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I get as frustrated as everyone else when a kill gets sniped, perhaps even more in that im one of the guys spending a ton of stamina doing tens of thousands attacks on the higher leveled/bigger reward targets only to have them sniped. I was once of the same opinion as you that sniping needed to be stopped or at least limited but have since changed my mind. The fact is that for some players sniping is really their only viable option if they want to be active in the arena....the only other real options available to them is to have friends in high place or to remain inactive yet manning their account in case they are attacked and jockeying in n out of def. Last but not least is to just enter, do nothing and hope u get lucky...all 3 of those options sound pretty boring to me and not to mention an arena full of inactives sounds even more boring. getting snipped definitely sucks but it also adds too the excitement of it all, The arena is already monotonous enough.....never having any worries would be over the top boring. To this day Im still amazed how some tiny lil account with a meager attack is able to steal a kill from me when Im doing huge amounts of damage in a single attack...yet it happens all the time. In fact in the last arena I was in I easily had 15 -20 kills stolen and I was the highest level player in that arena. The other thing is that sniping comes with huge risk, if u snipe a kill from me or pretty much everyone else i know.....your done for and defensive mode rarely helps. Higher levels can be vulnerable if they are to heavily invested in a target early on....one ill timed sniped kill can potentially mean the end for them....which in return means whatever low to mid levels that remain now have a better shot

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