Mistress Starla
Level 3440
Attack she is a friend.. also by hiding undead now there is 1 more step in playing. i would be nice it you would keep it easy and quick. also why did you take them out of order of level low being first now i just looked in vikings and they are all mixed up.. PLEASE put back in level order.. high low or low high thanks...
another point what happened to making the BATTLE arena so anyone could win.. by you giving back health that only helps the powerful high level ppl.. the only way ben loses is being triple or 4 players team up on him.. i am not asking for me i do ok but i am all att.and def. but it isn't fair for lower levels they get some wins and i hit them back and get all my health back that's not right.. just thought i would put that out there. more interested in the friend on battlelist and hiding of the undead.. thanks for your response. have fun
Last edited: Jul 27, 2012