So I'm new and still under the "Protected" status. However, today I was taken out by a player whose level is over 4000. Now in the protection rules says that while Protected player whose level is literally 20times my own can't jack me up like that. So what gives? My IGN is The Crimson Dealer.
The first question I'm going to ask, is are you still under this protection? If not then the answer lies there. However if you are still protected then this is clearly an issue and needs to be brought up with support via the following link:
Your allowed the 30 day window of protection by higher individuals from touching you. Once that 30 days is up you become free game so to speak if your over level 300 they can bounty you then. If you attack them then you will be attacked for 24hrs by them or until they kill you and then they cannot attack you again until you attack. But they can still bounty you at any given time so long as you are above the 300 level mark.
And pistol whips are considered an attack. Most new players do not realize this aspect of the game. If you pistol whip a higher player you will be on there rivals list for 24hrs. So before you aid a friend in a pistol whip campaign make sure your aware of that players level and what it might cost you in the long run.
Yes I still am under the 30 day protection, I understand that if I weren't I would be free game. Also I cannot attack certain players while i'm under protection so at no point would I have been able to attack said player with over 4000lvls without first negating my protection.
Jon Ward, I have not yet reached level 300. I was unaware of 300 being the mark for bounties. Good to know though considering I was also put on the bounty list during this time where I was attacked.
Dylan Mcallister, I'm assuming I should use the email function to report my problem, but I would like to clarify first before doing so.
Yes Chris you can email support in. But i believe you still can be bountied by players who are around your level. You just become fair game to all players on the bounty board at level 300. But if a level 250 bounties you and your at level 200 i do believe it will place you on the board.
You shouldn't be in this 'protection' in the first place. Please post your link so we can give you a warm welcome to the game.
Yes. A hero to the people oppressed by those in this protected status. This is one of the most abused privileges in the game and needs to be abolished immediately. I can't even help avenge my armada members from being abused by these people. Ridiculous.
This is one reason why there was a protection put in place for new players or ex hi5 players because to many individuals were taking games way to seriously and felt like they got the raw end of the deal. Big deal hi5 got a package unless that player knows what to really do with it its not going to help them at all. And to the ones who are upset because there players are getting hit. Tell your armada players to either find more clan reallocate there skills and get more decent weapons and attack back themselves. Thats what makes kano's games fun. You constantly improve your ownself. If you have to go running to your higher players then maybe you need to help your armada members figure out how to win more. Thats my opinion take it for what it is. But getting irate at smaller players who you can probably beat is no challenge. Hit them or bounty them and move on.
Just going to steer this thread into the right direction again, just as a follow up Chris did you manage to email support?
Your armada members are being abused by people who have literally been playing the game less than month... sounds kinda sad dude. Not like there is some guy 4000levels higher than you under protection messing with your crew, just a newbie.