I don't like the pop out attack either, you cannot see your health or what is going on behind it, that is also why I never use the skull rivals. I would also like to be able to sort it how I like, I don't like it sorted by "most used rival" or whatever the term is. It also doesn't when the last attack, punch, etc. occurred as it did before. Also, why is there a flag alert now on the skull rivals, there is no need for this, I never click on the skull anyways why do I have to start now just to make the flag go away?
You've actually made the rivals tab useless. So now I see someone attacked me because I got an alert (gee thanks) but I don't know who it was because you've sorted the rivals list in some random order you determined. I have to go to game history now to see who attacked me. And they were actually at the bottom of page 2 of my rivals list.
Last edited: Mar 15, 2012