This game has become a royal pain in the ass. I need mob members to fight but the spam is relentlessness. 9-10 times posting for Elite or Boss help is the norm. I can't find job help..ever. I can request Boss help or Elite and its off the page in minutes.. This game has quickly become an aggravating chore. I play games to relax, not to sort through 1000s of "ME ME ME" spam. Do something or I am out of here... This is BS!
We hear you! We are currently working on a new in-game feed and will be able to cut out some of the posts that are made out of game and only keep them internally hopefully.
hi Salvatore i know that smaller levels have hard to find Elite or Boss help ... i recomend one my friend level 76 on Mobwars- how to get Elite fast just go on Mobwars home page and click on Myspace activities its 3rd in lane with - Game History /// Mob Feed /// MySpace Activities hes thank me later and said that he getting Elite in les than 1 min so thats good news ... also i help him out how 2 get Boss help >> just go and help others with Boss 1 to 10 stamina will do and than leave comment on your friends Boss feed that you need some help with your Boss and they will help its make all more easy - also helping others you have a chance at a + Favor Points drop Hope this helps Jack
I can only post one job request for two days..(which never gets filled because its spammed off the page). You can make it where people can only post one Elite request and one Boss help an hour..
I normally post on the game feed "Please Stop your boss spam" and if they continue to spam they get demobbed and hit listed.
Demobbing them is all fine and dandy but this game is totally dependent on the number you have in your mob. I only have 350 something at level 220. And damn near everyone of them spams the feed. That would stop the spam but it would also crater my game. Now at 24hrs trying to get Elite.
They don't spam my MySpace activities feed... I may see one or two (expired). As far as the Boss, I help many in my mob. Most are absentees when it comes to helping back. Usually back to spamming the feed for more Boss help within seconds of finishing their Boss fight.
This is very true.. My mob is stuffed full with more than 1000 friends so when I demob someone I don't even notice..