No it doesn't... it just means that person who 'jumps the booby' wants you to waste your $200 Billion as you are obviously stupid enough to list someone at that price/ are part of a chain listing campaign...
No it shouldn't... if that is the case then the person listed needs to get their exp back/lose none, because they still died.
Don't agree with this either!! Why should there be any restrictions?? If people are gonna heal up, then it's their look out if someone is being vengeful enough to want to chain list them. This is where the 'jumpin on a booby' tactic is a perfect defence... wait a minute while I go around in a circle?
Finally, something I AGREE with... ya don't like being taunted... use the block button... simple.
Yup... tru dat... !!
P.S I just agreed with your last point, as I really didn't understand what you were getting at, in the main, and would hate to be thought of as totally disagreeable
Last edited: Nov 11, 2011