Is this not incentive to level up quicker though?
I know i am inclined to play more Pirates because i want that Ocean Guardian to dance on my lap...
Of course i meant to post this from Ahaygnahad who has my pirate in his sig but no
I don't think i meant that at all, i meant to assist me in killing the landlubbers aboard my ship!
Anyway, i'm a mile and three quarters in addition to an uphill stuggle away from level 2000 so for now i will just have to guard the ocean myself.
I disagree with locking lower players out of bosses that they haven't yet unlocked, that is a good thing about having higher levels in our mobs. It gives us a taste of what is yet to come, gives us something to look forward to.
Gives us some very nice drops in most, if not all cases.
I think that might have been a joke to prove a point though.
Can i haz a Gold Jet at level 500 if i pay double????
C'mon, half the level... Double the price... Is that not a fair tradeoff?
Last edited: Sep 19, 2011