I´m not sure if I got your post right, but what Ahad meant were hitlist attacks and not hits placed... Meaning if the person who blocked you gets listed, you should still be able to hunt for them. Of course if you block somebody they shouldn´t be able to list you.
As for the feature: Explained properly it looks much more promising, to be honest. Especially the limit on blocked people, since it would be pointless to block everyone in-game (even if it takes a lot of UN points). I´d even increase it to 10 or 15 people, so just in case you´re getting bullied by a faction you can cover up for the most aggressive group of them if you´re willing to spend the points, but I agree completely in setting a limit for it.
Only doubt I have is regarding Hitlist attacks on somebody protected, I´d like to think protection wouldn´t stop you from that or hunting would get a lot lamer.
Also I´d like to know what you guys consider fight range... I´m guessing it´s people with +/- 10% of your level, but I´d like to know what happens in the case I get attacked by somebody way lower because there´s few people in their fightlist and I´m showing (Let´s say a level 550 comes after my lv. 710 slayer). Would it be considered my fight range?
Last edited: May 17, 2011