no rule but it still shows

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by ATHEISTIC SATANIST, Apr 3, 2011.

  1. [​IMG]

    sold all my rule yet it still shows the photos of it on profile page.
  2. mirage is real lol

  3. Eddie did not approve of the transaction so in fact you did not sell all your rule.
  4. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

    When you purchase something(ships, weapons, mateys, rule) it gets logged into your inventory. Even if your remove it you still have 0 of that item so it shows up as 0 on the profile page.

    The more important question is why did you sell all of your rule?
  5. ah.then why doesnt mateys weapons and ships i had before i sold em show up anymore then?

    far as selling the rule,consider it a experimental way of playing the game

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