I hit level 500 recently, and this is my point of view as one of the most active fighters:
I can't play a fraction of the way I have in the past. I know that when the fight list "refreshes" you have a certain number of people out of the total people that are available to attack from the list, and you can whittle that down until it is "empty".
Now with undead in my list, the first time I access the fight list I end up with 2-5 players at the top, and the rest is undead. After I kill them or hospitalize them, I am left with a list entirely made up of undead players.
I click Fight, and every few times I click that I will get a person at the top of this list that isn't undead. I know that there are more people available, but I seem to be forced to wade through the pool of undead to find the real players, and I think this is stupid. It seems like each time the fight list is repopulated I might get 5-10 real players to attack, versus probably an average of 15-30 players just one level before. Or maybe I just have bad luck refreshing my current list of people to attack and just get undead? Either way, it isn't working.
Suggestion: Have another tab for the undead players, or have a static 5 or half or whatever number of real players on top that will populate the list first if they are available.
Just my two cents, and this is probably only having serious affect on a small population of hardcore fighters, but it is pretty hard to play now as a fighter.
tl;dr: Active fighter can't attack many people because list full of zombies.
Last edited: Feb 26, 2011