[LCN] More Stamina Per Leveling Up

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by SwiftlyInnocent, Jul 1, 2015.

  1. Easy To Remember

    Easy To Remember Well-Known Member

    Adding to your point @GOING TO CATCH DAVID - When your Health, Attack, and Defense Skill Point allocations are higher, you will get a MUCH better return on XP per Stamina used, so having too much Stamina is essentially senseless. For example, if a player has 2,000 Stamina, 500 Attack, 500 Defense, and 10,000 Health, they may receive 100 XP per Attack on a Level 25 London Co-op Boss. On the other hand, the player who has 1,000 Stamina, 1,000 Attack, 1,000 Defense, and 50,000 Health will receive 250 XP per Attack on the SAME Level 25 London Co-op Boss (all numbers were used simply for the sake of this example). If you look at it from that perspective, you can see how having too much Stamina could potentially be a bad thing..

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    Believe me, I have experienced many areas where too much stamina has hurt me...... on bosses like you said, in the game when I am a lot weaker (although I find that no skill allocation can ever compete with people who buy items), and especially in BA where the stamina percentage being so high kills all my perks. But at the same time, because of the higher level and the fact that most of my leveling partners are all many levels below me, if I had allocated my skills to attack and defense, it would have made it impossible to have those leveling partners as many times it was a challenge to try to NOT get stronger so they could keep up. This might also have something to do with the fact I have found most of the people who like to level do it to get stronger through job drops and bosses and don't have the funds to buy items and be content hanging out at lower levels. So I needed to watch how many levels I got ahead or they would fall behind.

    I don't regret putting everything into stamina early on BUT now I have been focusing on Health, Attack, and Defense as my BA perks are in the toilet and I want to start destroying bosses and be a little harder to beat. ;-) But I never will be able to compete with players who spend a lot on LQ items. So All I can do is be me and play my own game.
  3. Don Dory

    Don Dory New Member

    I put everything into stam, and buy items with fps to make up for the lost att and def. Why waste skill points on att and def when items do it better. SP is best spent on stam, when my level is where I want it, then maybe I can waste some on att and def...sitting at a pow level wasting points on att and def is silly when items give like 300+ to each with out having to use even 1 sp. SP are limited, items are not...best buy att and def with fps and use sp for stam....when you yourself are a boss, then you can waste sp like that.

    stam needs better increase per level, yeah I level fast, that is the point, and stam level means attacking...so obviously my att and def is good enough without wasting sp on att and der...fps for item to raise att and def, and sp for stam..its the only smart way to go...and a boost os needed as 50 is useless in the thousands.
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  5. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    This is how i feel also. I do the same i got my stamina way up there got to the level I like and now i am slowly building att n def up and alittle to the health i have it where i think i need it, stamina helps to level but once you get so high it really dont matter how much you carry its flat sucks takes insane amount so given higher levels a 50% of there stamina is equal to maybe a 1/4 of a lvl to be honest so why cant kano just be nice and ease the leveling pain for the higher levels wiht just some of a boost. 500 energy last the lower half of the raids through a lvl and then some. The 50 in stamina sucks way early in the game so % numbers would be great, and as for retro forget the retro lets move on and take the benefits now, the raids and other aspects of the game was not there in the early stages we had to deal with that, ba is another advantage newbies had so bumping these up without retro shouldnt be an issue with a always in development type app. Just my thought I myself would like a boost in the lvl rewards.
  6. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    this is true thats why i look for a boss with certain att n def and with the wc there is more than enough to feed my stamina. When I stated this Im was doing it for the face early in game when you level and someone kills you instantly you have the resources to get out of the negative, I have got in situation's where i used all i had to level and when I leveled some buttwipe come thru and killed me, the 500 and 50 does not put a dent in what is actually needed to get out of the negative situation all I was asking for is enough of a bump or more to be able to get urself out of that hole or push through when you level with those resources and then die and still be out of the negative. Thats the only reason i even thought of it cause with the previous levels it wasnt a issue I could easily get out of the hole using them. But as i got higher it became impossible and now just pathetic to even try to use them really. 500 aint even 3 jobs you cant even finish ur dailies if you level.

    GATMAN Active Member

    Any developer progress on this idea?
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  8. Don Dory

    Don Dory New Member

    Developer progress? this is a 5 minute fix, could write this in seriously 5 minutes...just think we have had players with high levels for years now, and they have not done anything about it, this is not something you should have even needed to tell them would be an issue...as Owner of MKultra Development I would fire the staff that let this go for so long, (though we only develop for others, we don't manage, so something like this would have needed to be well thought through, before sending it to the client)....Now with it as far gone as it is, the only reason they would have for holding back on doing this, is fear, and dev fear and unwillingness to change is what kills more games then any other cause. So i doubt there is any progress as long as that fear exists. if no fear existed this would have been done 2 years ago, as it's not something you miss for that long, I can see this going by at launch..after 1 year though they should have know better and changed it.
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  9. Easy To Remember

    Easy To Remember Well-Known Member

    There should most definitely NOT be a cap on Stamina - like @Jamey Kean said: if you chose to use your Skill Points for Stamina knowing you would have to sacrifice in other areas of the game, you (and anyone/everyone else) should undoubtedly get a 100% FULL Stamina refill (especially if you're spending 10 Favor Points to supposedly "refill" it)! Are they going to put a cap on Boosts and Daily Rewards as well? The very simple fact is that EVERY player I have asked agrees there is an apparent and urgent need for BIG change when it comes to the amount of Stamina (and even Energy) received upon leveling in regards to how it is given when a player levels! There is no "right" or "wrong" way to play this game, and players SHOULD be given the freedom to use THEIR own Skill Points as they see fit without having to worry about caps or any other game restrictions - players with extraordinary high amounts of Stamina will have plenty of other things to worry about (which is a choice they knowingly made in a game where the user is ((or at least should be)) in full control of the way their character is built)! Some choose to stay at a lower level so they're not sacrificing strength, others want to level quickly and may be forced to sacrifice in strength or other areas - either way, making that choice yours is part of what makes this game fun (start making players sacrifice because of in-game restrictions such as caps or not having enough Stamina/Energy to even play, and the game suddenly becomes less fun, leading to players that stop playing or play much less, and that leaves EVERYONE ((including Kano)) in a very bad spot).. PLEASE start listening to your players/customers Kano and do something about this before it's too late!
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2015
  10. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    As I said previously on this thread, there is no Stamina cap refill in Mob Wars - LCN. :)
  11. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    i tried to clear that up in about LCN but this was stated in general and never really mentioned 1 certain app I thought this was General Discussion thread, Quoted from Easy and I feel 100% behind him There is no "right" or "wrong" way to play this game, and players SHOULD be given the freedom to use THEIR own Skill Points as they see fit without having to worry about caps or any other game restrictions - players with extraordinary high amounts of Stamina will have plenty of other things to worry about (which is a choice they knowingly made in a game where the user is ((or at least should be)) in full control of the way their character is built)! if you chose to use your Skill Points for Stamina knowing you would have to sacrifice in other areas of the game, you (and anyone/everyone else) should undoubtedly get a 100% FULL Stamina refill (especially if you're spending 10 Favor Points to supposedly "refill" it)
  12. Easy To Remember

    Easy To Remember Well-Known Member

    I did read your Post about no caps on Stamina (and every Post in this Thread) @mi7ch and I apologize if my point was too strongly aimed at Stamina caps that don't exist - my main points were to suggest that players should be able to build their Characters any way they want, and the urgent need to change the way players currently receive Stamina upon leveling. From your Post in this Thread (Post #71), the proposition was to use a formula based on Level with a potential maximum of 1,000 Stamina upon each level up - although I am happy to know the need for change is at least being discussed amongst you and the Kano developers/team, I feel that a percentage based on the amount of a player's maximum Stamina (as opposed to level) with no "caps" on amounts would be a more fair way to make this much needed change (as having caps would penalize/be unfair to players who have purposely built their characters with large amounts of Stamina). Either way (and as I've previously stated), I am truly happy that this long needed change for an increase in Stamina is at least being discussed - the manner in determining the amounts players receive could always be changed if there is a problem or any unforeseen unfair advantages upon the initial release/implementation of this feature (if and when it happens). I would also like Kano to know that the few number of players in this Thread advocating for this change only represent a VERY small percentage of the MANY players I have spoken with regarding this issue - you would not believe the number of players that have been voicing the need for this change over the last year now (unfortunately there are only a small fraction of us who come to the one place (here) where we can collectively make positive changes happen). I have tried to get players to come here (I even have a "Sticky" Message Posted on our Syndicate Message Board and Group Page with a link to this Thread) in an attempt to make Kano aware of how many players actually want this change, and the urgency to make it a TOP priority for a permanent implementation to the game (apparently they just want to play the game and/or do not believe their voice will be heard, because I have only noticed two people that have commented as a direct result from my attempts to get them here - LOL).. Sorry for any previous confusion and thank you for listening to your dedicated/loyal players/customers! ;)
  13. Guardian Angel

    Guardian Angel Active Member

    I can t be agree with you on this ! Is my choice if I want to sacrifice my power in fights by puting more skills on stamina , I will be definitly more weaker if I do that, and need to compensate with buying items
  14. Easy To Remember

    Easy To Remember Well-Known Member

    That is exactly what we are saying @Guardian Angel - every player has the right to build their Character HOWEVER they want, and there is no "right" or "wrong" way to do it! ;)
    Guardian Angel likes this.
  15. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    Alexandrite players are the most loyal. FACT! If they weren't around neither would any of the games.
    I see people posting on this thread who have openly admitted to other players their 'cheating is their guilty pleasure' and that someone has an awful lot to say.
  16. Easy To Remember

    Easy To Remember Well-Known Member

    First of all, I must respectfully disagree that "Alexandrite players are the most loyal. FACT!" - This Game needs EVERY kind of Player (whether they spend a little, a lot, or none)! I recently made it to the "Alexandrite" Loyalty Tier myself, but that doesn't necessarily mean I am any more "loyal" than anyone else. Secondly, I would surely hope (and assume) that if someone were "cheating" they would most definitely be caught at some point or another - "cheating" would obviously NOT be fair to other players, and I would like to assume Kano has that well under control! Additionally, if you are aware of someone "cheating", I sure hope you would Submit a Ticket/Report them immediately, as that would hurt EVERY single player in the Game!
    Alexandrite Tier Screenshot WM(new).jpg
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2015
    Aapje likes this.
  17. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    No I'm a newbie have no idea how to report players haha and sure we all have our opinions, i'm up for agreeing to disagree.
  18. Easy To Remember

    Easy To Remember Well-Known Member

    Well you can send me a Private Message with their information, including how (or in what way) they are "cheating" and I will GLADLY report them, or I can walk you step-by-step through the process of creating and submitting a Ticket so YOU can Report them - One way or another, if you have knowledge of someone "cheating" and allow it to continue/don't put it to an end, you are ultimately hurting ALL of us!
  19. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    Lol I'm teasing you Easy, i've been playing Lcn for over 5 years I know how reporting works.
    It's not me hurting anyone I leave that to the cheats and kano to deal with.
  20. Easy To Remember

    Easy To Remember Well-Known Member

    I am fully aware that you were being sarcastic and do know how to Submit a Ticket/Report someone - LOL! I too was being sarcastic about walking you through the process of submitting a Ticket, but I am very serious when I say that the player you are talking about needs to be reported if you are aware they're "cheating" (as I'm sure you also know that does/will hurt every other person that plays this Game and is just WRONG)! Hope you choose to do the right thing @foxysiren ! o_O

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