From their end ... minus the brain ... could be that missing canned message. "You are not a twit. I am. See me in hospital"
Get rid of that Secret Gift! I hate the fact that this gift works to where it takes precedence over everything else when someone puts it with other items on their wishlist. Unless there is a plan to start using one or two of the drops from the stupid thing for crafting, it just needs to go.
I agree! It is a leech on the gift wish list, sucking from the other gifts all of the requests. It is a pain to have to go to clan's profile page, when one shows up to give to them, in order to give them a better gift (wouldn't want a reputation of being one who gives the secret gift, hehe).
Yup some people have no clue that they should even be crafting and their wish lists consists of the secret gift and all the memorial gifts, those are the ones who tend to send the secret gift, to me, I notice, even though it is not on my wish list
i LOVE secret gifts! if you play LCN on server 2, send me your link so that i can send YOU secret gifts! today, tomorrow, the day after that...
Can we get the outhouse back? That gift was perfect gift to make a statement to clan, with no message involved.
This one? Tis a fine looking outhouse. Are there others that would want this 1 Att / 1 Def Gift back? This was likely pruned a long while back when we were cleaning up the gifts list. It can certainly make a triumphant return.
If Smack is OK with it we can probably bring back the outhouse, but before anyone starts getting misty over old Gifts I'd like to propose a more elegant solution to bringing back old ones: Gift Deathmatch! Every game has a decent backlog of Gifts (some seasonal so they're exempt) so if there are Gifts that people would like to see come back we can pit them against each other in a no-holds-barred, winner-take-all match to the death! Or a poll, whichever works.
I would like the outhouse. So long as i can gift it to non captains to let them know what i think of them.
i don't remember ever seeing this. is this in mob wars? if not, can we get a crapper or something that we can send?
Now that the secret gift is gone on all the games, the first item on the list now becomes the default even if it's almost totally useless? That needs a change... I was thinking last night (almost set off smoke alarms in the house) & came up with what I believe is a logical solution that should be relatively easy to implement: Go through all the recipes\blueprints in each game & find the most needed gift item for people to have to make the majority of items. Then put that gift at the top of the gifting list. EXAMPLE: If in PC the most needed item was the Diamond gift, it would be in the #1 spot so that players by default would get it. This way players would be guaranteed a useful gift if they don't make their own choices as to what gifts they want. An exception to the rule would be hidden recipes\blueprints. The items needed in those would be ignored in figuring out what gift would become the new default.
I vote no! If they have no intelligent requests that would help with crafting, why give them a gift that they wont have a clue what to do with?