Flash on FB

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by Mabest, Apr 23, 2015.

  1. Mabest

    Mabest Well-Known Member

    On Facebook PC, whenever I send a gift, boost, etc. to someone who I am no longer friends with I am getting an annoying flash. I know what the flash is, but it has only recently started doing this with every person who is not a FB friend and it slows down sending back gifts or doing other things. I realize too this is communication between the game and FB. Can this be cleared up please?
    No Glimmer of Hope and JADES like this.
  2. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Same thing for me using FF 37.0.2 VC though, rarely send gifts PC not my game.
    From http://forums.kanoapps.com/threads/latency.15480/#post-127737
    No Glimmer of Hope and Mabest like this.
  3. Old Salt

    Old Salt Well-Known Member

    Well unless it gets hung up and you have to click past it it's much faster this way. Now next step to get past the remaining issues is the "send all" button.
    Mabest and Kirsten like this.
  4. Mabest

    Mabest Well-Known Member

    Jades - this is what I am talking about. I have had this for several days now and I'm tired of it. Normally you would only get the gift screen to a non-friend one time and not ever see it again. Now you get a flash with it. It's rather annoying.
    Sometimes too recently, the game does hang when accepting a gift and it will spin and spin, but I can still keep going and accept other gifts. Or I will get the Loading, not Loading, reload game thing at the top of the screen.
    diva of destruction likes this.
  5. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Thanks for letting us know! We're seeing this as well and we're looking into it. :)
  6. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Yup, it started with me few days ago as well.
  7. Mabest

    Mabest Well-Known Member

    Thanks Mitch!
  8. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Any updates on this Mitch, still occurring.
  9. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    I do have an update! Unfortunately it's not good news. :(

    It seems that the "flash" is a side effect of the API 2.0 update, where "friction-less events" (like sending a gift and you have checked the box to not show the pop up) occur and the page quickly reloads. Smack took a deep dive into it, but there does not appear to be a fix at the moment. We'll keep on top of it and see if Facebook pushes out any updates to remedy this.
    diva of destruction likes this.
  10. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Gawd I was afraid of that answer and the cause.:confused:
  11. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    You could do a work around ;) set up "send all gift idea" and will take care of inbox flashes (well, only have 1 instead) But we'd still be stuck with it from sending gifts from feed.
    Via, this idea http://forums.kanoapps.com/threads/a-send-all-option-for-gift-giving.13479/
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2015
    Old Salt, Jon Ward and Kirsten like this.
  12. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    I agree the dang flash is getting annoying even more lately.
  13. Mabest

    Mabest Well-Known Member

    UGH!!!!!!! NOOOOO!!!! lol
    The flash truly is annoying. I have been going into the Kano Server to return my gifts rather than do it out of Facebook. The problem there is, if you have a bunch of gifts, you can't do the accepting and sending back like you can do on Facebook. At the bottom of the gift screen if you go to send back, you get a popup Kano thing. You have to go above it to accept a different gift and try to do a work around from the popup that comes and goes. Perhaps something there to not have a popup, but keep that bottom part of the Kano screen in place?
  14. Bartman

    Bartman New Member

    Up until the past couple of days it was just a quick flash up (which was annoying enough) but now the whole confirm box comes up & even tho I have the box ticked to not ask me again I continue to have to keep confirming to send everytime I send a gift to a person who isnt on my friends list on FB..it's so annoying & time consuming that I don't want to send gifts atm..is there any updates to the issue?? Is there a fix coming soon or what??
    Mabest and Kirsten like this.
  15. Mabest

    Mabest Well-Known Member

    What I have started doing because of the flash and now this stupid FB box, is doing return gifting from the Kanoplay server 1. Since I do all my gifting once a day, it works out okay. I can still have my FB PC tab open while having a tab open in the Kanoplay server. Same kind of problem with sending boosts too. Real PITA. This FB box though, something is not communicating properly. Either it is FB's issue or it is Kano's. Hope this all gets resolved soon.
    Kirsten likes this.
  16. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Is this still happening? I just tested this out in our dev environment as well as on the live games and it is not showing me the FB Request with checkbox selected with "Don't ask again before sending..."

    I know I saw this occur the other day but as of this moment it would look like Facebook has fixed this issue. Please let us know otherwise.
  17. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    I just went into the gift request tab sent a few out and it's still occurring.
  18. LaScepter

    LaScepter Well-Known Member

    Hope this gets fixed...very annoying.... :mad:
  19. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    I'm guessing this is FB side, the game tab on FB show's this when have no gifts what so ever.

    The gift's were collected, but it's sticking FB side, just a little more info Smack to narrow down this problem.
    LaScepter likes this.
  20. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    I'll continue to look into this. I was sending gifts via my Chieftains list and it was working as it should.

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