i received a ranking in every arena except for the last one. now i'm wondering if it's worth it to keep joining without having a realistic chance at ANY kind of reward. thoughts?
You need to actually play now to get a ranking, the days of getting the minimum 100 attacks in and riding it out in defense mode are over
i did well more than 100 attacks, that's why i'm asking. it seems as if you don't do at least 3,000 attacks and get at least 3 kills, there's no point to even joining. or am i missing something?
Joining gives a small amount of free EXP, so why not? Besides, if you don't get a rank, you can still have had several attacks and maybe even a kill. Those performances give you achievements So you should ALWAYS join the battle arena.
you want a good ranking now you have to put in the stam... 4-5k att's should get you in the reward tiers on FB/ZS.... you want top 50 you're going to have to use UN more than likely...
that's my point. if you don't have the stam, and you don't feel like spending to buy more, you can't do very well. so if you can't do very well against the credit card players that do spend, there's not any point in even trying, is there?
i wonder how many of the "yes" votes think you should join just to get the free xp at the start? that's not an incentive for me. i can click on a challenge help and get that.
i actually do okay in the arenas. but if i couldn't get a ranking without spending money, i wouldn't bother. i say let the credit cards have it if they really want it that bad.
a week before the arena, change your daily reward to stamina, save 'em up...collect if/when needed during arena.
i do that, but it's still not enough. i'll give it another shot. but it seems that credit card players dominate the arenas, just like the game in general.
I've not tried it myself, I'm going to next time though...I always manage to rank if I actually play and I've never spent UN during an arena.
I think it is worth it to join. I have not whipped out the ole credit card for the arenas in a long time, and I do fairly well most of the time. I do tend to get a few stam refills, but it comes from using the FPs I have made in between arenas. Now my idea of doing fairly well might be different than the higher level players, but I tend to make some good rewards off the event. If I were not getting a decent ranking, I still think it would be worth it as far as being able to gain some good levels if that is what a person would like to do.
simply don't collect, you can save 7 days worth, but if you don't collect before the 8th day..you lose it all
i don't know if you lose it all after 7 days, but you definitely cannot save more than 7 days' worth. i would definitely save up your dailies to get as much free stamina to use for the arenas as you can. maybe that will help you get a chance at a ranking.
I believe so. If you don't collect them after the 7th day, you don't lose them as long as you continue to log in each day, but you can't have more than 7 days' worth saved at a time. So if you don't use them after 7 days, you won't get any more until you do.
I won't even sign up for the free bonus XP anymore. I hate them as they currently are and won't participate.
It doesnt matter if you place or not just joining and playing some is worth it. The xp payout per stamina is better than any in the game bar none. So sign up use ur stamina that you have and you will have more xp then you would not joining.