[LCN] Raid Boss 3 Walkthrough and Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    Are you calling me a liar? Did you ever hear of the retro awards for BA?
  2. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    Once again you got it wrong...How many more times before you give up?
  3. ExtremeRules

    ExtremeRules Member

    yes because the top reward for attacking in BA is 250k attacks and rewards for the rest are easy to find, so unless your stating you don't play it personally and actually allow somebody else to play it for you?
  4. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    You know what retro means right? When they were awarded I landed all of the achievements...So nice try and i don't appreciate you trying to discredit my mobster and insinuate total bs
    AXXO likes this.
  5. ExtremeRules

    ExtremeRules Member

    No your right i shouldn't of asked, i do apologize and will allow this thread to get back to what it was intended for, again sorry Foxy and hopefully they do clean up the thread to allow valid points to be more available for people to see and comment on
  6. Quicker

    Quicker New Member

    2320 actions ;; ok no more raid bosses for me ,,,untill this is fixed ////
    Oops, you didn't mean the minimum actions done to the boss!

    The Vigilante League was defeated in 23:02:20, you dealt 6116652 damage and healed the raid for 266557 life. Based on these results you have been rewarded with the following:

    0 coins

    0 XP
  7. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    I carry 3300 energy and it aint nothing when you use 1200 of that just to heal to use 2500 stamina for a level this was made for and I think from now on all 5000 and up should not join a raid boss see how many get beat then cause i for one have not joined anymore and i dont think i will till i see a change im tired of fighting with you, you are one sided and cant open your eyes to see where we are coming from it is not rocket science to see its unfair and behalf of kano they always tried to make it fair all across the board so basically you are telling anyone over 5000 to suck it up and deal with gettting crap xp from the raids.
  8. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    I think xxxx needs to be ban from this is a forum, it is for discussing not calling people cheats and liars. Dont call people stuff or say that they have all the alts cause i showed my friends stats, kinda xxx me off that is not cool i dont come in here calling people names. You can save that for the game.... I do not agree with name calling in the forums
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2015
    AXXO and foxysiren like this.
  9. meezy

    meezy Member

    Ill say it again, to me..the raids need somet tweaking. The xp drops for attacks,heals,etc..should slide upward according to what the attacking player needs to level..or its just not worth doing it. You guys have done some serious work to make these fun for the lower levels and thats cool.. but you're going to lose the "money earners" if you're not careful..these have got to be made so that they are good for EVERYONE!! Whether it be better EXP (Leveling) or frequent weapon/armor drops. Something to remind them of why they are spending all this money and gf's...
  10. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Thanks for the feedback folks, I've spoken with the developers and we're going to look into increased XP per action for the higher levels on the next Raid Boss. :cool:
  11. GATMAN

    GATMAN Active Member

    This should have been done already based on the feedback from the first 3 raid bosses: I have spent money on the first couple, and would have done so on this one as well but i feel that Kano hasn't made it a worth while investment for me to do so. A lvl 1000 gets 5000-5300 avg per 20 stam spent on attack, I at lvl 4700 get the same, and a mobbie near 6400 gets only 6300-6500 per 20 stam.
    Quicker likes this.
  12. ExtremeRules

    ExtremeRules Member

    Really mi7ch another comment banished, i thought it was stated that this is an open and frank discussion on topics, i mean what happen to freedom of speech or is this another way to suppress peoples thoughts and ideas on certain matters?
  13. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Part of the forum Code of Conduct states not to use pejoratives, which is what your post contained: http://forums.kanoapps.com/threads/forum-code-of-conduct-august-15-2014.13616/
  14. Shotgun Ed

    Shotgun Ed New Member

    you seem like an intelligent and well rounded player Extremerules what is your link in game maybe we could mob up and share bosses and such
  15. ExtremeRules

    ExtremeRules Member

    then i would like the comment from the segment i was replying to be banished as well, as it is a direct comment to me which i find offense as it stated in my reply that he had not read the comment correctly and the reasons why i said sorry, plus i never accused anybody of anything which he is now referring that i was which does and will course issues elsewhere
  16. ExtremeRules

    ExtremeRules Member

    i would love to be of assistance, have you anybody in AGB that your mobbed with as i will allow them to send my link to you for a mob up as otherwise my comment will be deleted if i add my link in here.
    Kirsten likes this.
  17. Shotgun Ed

    Shotgun Ed New Member

    I will check
  18. Shotgun Ed

    Shotgun Ed New Member

    [AGB1] Tea Bags I will send him a message in game
  19. ExtremeRules

    ExtremeRules Member

    You were attacked by Foxysiren 18 times you lost 5 and won 13, thank you :) you were attacked by The Berbs Genius 23 times you lost 8 and won 15, thank you for some new LP's for me :)

  20. Where have I said you don't spend on GF items? Not sure why you brought that up. What you mean by job drops to their full potential? The job drops at your level is useless for your inventory now, two years ago when I was at your level and even when they got released. Only at late Tangier when that city was released did the job drops start to catch up. Now it's pretty much only from level 62-6300 and upwards that you'll find job drops that are useful. But it took me to get to Istanbul before the RTP job drops went out of my fight inventory.

    As for only spending 60 GF on killing a raid boss on your own, well, that simply can't be true. Even with a base energy and stam as high as 4k and 3,5k respectively. If you base it on, let's say, average damage dealt per 20 stam barrage at 90k damage (which is the average at my level), it will require you to spend 100000 stamina over the 4 days to beat it. Let's say you regenerate 3,5k stam daily (not sure if it's that much) and got 3,5k stam boost + the daily reward one. Let's average the daily free stam at your disposal to 8k stam per day (means you don't anything saved for other features like regular bosses). Over 4 days that's 32000 stamina at best. 6 stamina refills equals 21000 stam. A total of over just 50000 stamina if you put all stam available into the raid boss. So, with your skill point allocation, you can at max do 50-60 % on ONE single raid boss if you put everything into it + a few refills. And that's for someone who has set his account with a very heavy focus on stam and energy.

    "and for agreeing with your argument i dont see where i did all i said was the end game is the same for all players once all cities are finished and boss item plus crafting is done, then it comes down to how much you have to spend on GF weapons"

    Once again you seem to forget the importance of the attack and defense. Don't know why you keep ignoring that.

    I really don't know where you're going with your last claim there. A level 4700 with 3500 stamina and 4000 energy, who still uses weak job drops, tellling me I haven't maximized the game to its full potential and that I've wasted the years leading up to this on building in the wrong direction? It's an interesting perspective for sure but I have to say I'm sorry but I fail to see how that claim can be valid coming from someone who has build his character "only" on a feature that came out 5 years after the game started.

    Anyway, the original intent of my complaint seems to have escaped you. I'm not looking for preferential treatment (although, on a general basis, players who pay a lot do deserve a better return compared to the non-spenders – it's only natural as the game wouldn't have survived otherwise), nor am I looking for way to keep the lower levels away from us higher ones, but both me and foxysiren are looking for some balance and parity. Or close to it. Like I said, it's good that they're great for lower- and mid-levels, but we got no incentive to do those Raid Bosses. None. The minimum requirements gets me 1/4 of a level and an item that isn't that much better than my top job drops/crafting items. Also it would mean only joining 1 boss a day. Full energy normally gives me 4-5 100+ items. 1000 stam gives me half a level.

    Of course you pull out the default reply that is "don't play it if you don't like it then". But that's not really helpful is it? Not for Kano, who would lose a lot of higher players (and cash) and especially not the feature itself. The bosses are dependant on the higher levels contributing a lot, unless you find a boss with a big-spender.
    Xipe Totec, AXXO and foxysiren like this.

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