[ZS] Developer Update - May 24th World Boss Repeat Attack Bonuses

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kendall, May 25, 2011.

  1. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    We just added a repeat attack bonus on the world boss to give additional XP and cash based on total attacks to give all the incentive to go above and beyond the Attack Achievements and Reward Items.
  2. Jessica

    Jessica Member

    Doesn't this hurt the people with full time jobs even more? Your giving more incentive for people to attack more than 25 times yet some people who have a full time job without net access at work struggle to get in the needed attacks already. This will just hurt those people even more unless you let people stack multiple attacks.
  3. jon french

    jon french Member

    Congratulations, this is your 6th attack against the Teen Popstar!
    You have earned an attack bonus of +$603,172 and +435 XP.
    Keep attacking for bigger bonuses!

    +$12,063,435 | +8,690 XP | 24 Health Lost | - 5 Stamina | 184,524 Health Damage Dealt

    Thats 5% extra XP, pretty sure my previous bonus was around 350XP which would have made it 4%.

    I assume this % will increase by 1% each time i attack the world boss?

    Would like to see the starting percentage increased or the % increment for each attack increased (or both), more incentive to play and hit the world boss reguarly.
  4. Hashshashin

    Hashshashin Member

    Holy shit, if you have a job quit worrying about the game all day. Maybe if you think it's so unfair that you have to work all day, you should just find a hobby that you can keep up with.....or get over it.

    Try playing on your lunch break maybe? Get a laptop if you can't use the computer at work. People do all sorts of stuff to play the game during the day.

    @Kendall......Thanks for this added feature. It's nice to have now that the DD/Shooters are capped.

    And I never quit hitting the world boss just because I had the achievements...it's a nice way to get 6500XP out of 5 stamina for me.
  5. jon french

    jon french Member

    Congratulations, this is your 7th attack against the Teen Popstar!
    You have earned an attack bonus of +$719,595 and +522 XP.
    Keep attacking for bigger bonuses!
    +$11,993,250 | +8,690 XP | 40 Health Lost | - 5 Stamina | 183,757 Health Damage Dealt

    thats 6% bonus, increment of 2%
  6. jon french

    jon french Member

    Bonus kept stacking at 1% and ive just collected on the world Boss, the payout was MUCH better, really good improvement, thank you.

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