[ZS] Zombie Slayer Development News April 3 - April 10

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Apr 10, 2015.

  1. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    TGIF! Here’s your development news round-up for the past week!

    Player Bans March 30 - April 5

    As a reminder, the following numbers are permanently frozen accounts, and don't count temporary freezes.
    KP: 1

    The majority of permanently frozen accounts are frozen for being a shared or alternate account. This is something we actively investigate, and we appreciate players reporting suspicious accounts to us.

    If you have any questions or comments about a frozen account, please direct them through Support as the Forums are not the place to discuss account freezes, because of the sensitive account information involved.

    New Limited Items!

    A new week means new Limited Items! Here’s what’s up for grabs:


    Cosmic Calendar

    A new weekend Calendar Challenge has begun!


    New Loyalty Items

    The current selection of Loyalty Items have been around for quite a while, so we decided it was time for a refresh! We're planning on rolling out a new selection for all Tiers, from Bronze all the way up to Alexandrite within the next few weeks. If you've been thinking about spending some of your hard-earned LP, you might want to hold off until the new gear is out.

    Since it's been so long since we swapped out the Loyalty items, we'll also be giving one last boost to the stats of the previously available ones. If you did grab any of the old items, you'll still see an increase in their stats. This is not something we'll be doing again; from now on we will simply release new Loyalty items on a more regular schedule.

    Support Report
    with your favorite burrowing nocturnal mammal, Aardvark!

    Happy Friday, players!

    Mi7ch is out of office for the next couple of weeks, so if it seems like he's not on the forums as much or hasn't replied to your PM, that is probably why! As always, please send a ticket to Support if you have concerns about your game.

    And speaking of tickets! If some kind of penalty has been applied to your account, such as a chat suspension, and you are interested in having them lifted here's a tip: give Support a reason to believe that whatever issue occurred is not likely to happen again. That's really the only thing we are concerned about when deciding whether or not to return privileges to a player.

    You can often speed things along taking responsibility for your actions, showing that you understand why the penalty was applied (if you don't just ask!) and are interested in avoiding issues in the future.


    who hungers for cookies

    Terrible Joke of the Week
    What sound does a nut make when it sneezes?

    That's it for TGIF this week, everybody! Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!

    Play Now!

    Facebook Canvas: https://apps.facebook.com/zombieslayer/?fb_source=appcenter&fb_appcenter=1
    Facebook Connect: http://www.kanoplay.com/zombieslayer?game_server=server_1
    Kano Play Server 2: http://www.kanoplay.com/zombieslayer?game_server=server_2
    Kongregate: http://www.kongregate.com/games/kanoapps/zombie-slayer
    Armor Games: http://armorgames.com/zombie-slayer-game/14869
    L1LOne likes this.
  2. Xextreem

    Xextreem Active Member

    ow no bans what happend? hollidays? :p
  3. Aardvark

    Aardvark Orycteropus Afer

  4. Gazember

    Gazember Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    To bad they are all balanced items and I cant use them, I keep saving for the next set ;)

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