chance of people not war mode to create guild enemies and fighting with them on the same principle war mode to receive XP rewards!
Let us have a limit attacks ,axe slaps and bounties but we will choose our enemies -they too!Currently in war mode is full with high levels which listed lower levels too many times as the number of their members online to try at least 5 times each one to hunt and catch this poor little one.For such behavior should be penalized loss of war points!!!Otherwise is meaningless game of lower levels in war mode!Let there be justic-war for guild enemies even weekly chart!
Never done WM but from the sound of it. it's a free for all, do what you can to get your war points regardless of what level you list, their inactivity etc, etc.
I will never play war mode because it is time-consuming,because I do not earn benefits from this because I do not want to remove people my clan I do not want to be target of high levels and because war mode is good only for very high levels there my XP will be reduced and benefit of xp rewards is 0 according to me guild enemies wars is better option because we can choice our 10 guilds enemies and we can drop them everytime so they will try to play fair!
It says in the War Mode tutorial that there are limits when going out of your level range, even though it still happens. It is time consuming, but just as worth it as going over a hundred attacks on the World my limited experience.