XP for a boss kill

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Relentless, Sep 14, 2010.

  1. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    I've been working on killing the Level 9 Switzerland Single Boss. This morning I logged on and finished it off. I still had 50 stam left so I went and put that on another boss cause I knew the Switz boss would level me up. Righ? ..Well guess again:

    Sorry Kano, but what the hell is that? I just spent two days killing that boss, for crap all.
    I'm not set up so I can just do a set of stam an energy and level up, so I have to plan out my boss fights so I can level from them. How the heck are players like me meant to do that when their getting nothing for killing a boss.
  2. longer it takes to kill the boss,less exp you get in the end.

    i figured that one out the hard way a couple times.
  3. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    That's ridiculous. Single bosses are set up so we can do them ourselves aren't they?
    No where above do I see it say, the longer you take to kill a boss the less XP you will get once it's killed. Isn't that why you have time limits on them? So if they don't get killed in that time you lose the damage you've already done and have to start again.

    I'm really not happy with this.
    I might just have to take my $$ back over to mob wars an start spending it there. At least they lie to our face.
  4. POG1916

    POG1916 Member

    as my game has just been boss driven..i havent noticed that I get less exp ..if it takes me the 24 hrs...so i don't know about that one..I ripp all the bosses ..in mins but never more than 12 hrs

    the best bosses are all the ones your att / def is better than..so you might need to throw them out for help.. or do lower bosses..youll reap the rewards

    I have to agree with ya...but theres a worse rub to come

    it costs more to REHEAL..than I earn form completing the boss...it actually makes u lose cash...send the link over to me or tom or mono..we try to make sure the bosses die in a couple of hours
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2010
  5. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    Killing a boss isn't a problem. But as I have low stam and like to hunt, it does take me time. I just don't see the point in there being time limits on the bosses if you can't use it.

    I like to attack a boss so that when I kill it, I will level up from it. 783xp isn't a reward for doing 1,785,000 damage. It's only just enough xp to cover one death. Anytime I wanna go up 10-15 levels, I'm happy to spend the UN points doing so. I'm not about to start spending them just so I can level.
  6. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    What was the total XP that you earned in that boss battle?
  7. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    The Coffee Maker has dealt 1785000 dmg and taken 13296 dmg in 148 attacks, gaining 15647 XP and $26165505.
  8. SteveW

    SteveW Member

    783 XP for beating a boss at that level with that much stamina should NEVER happen. I've been getting over 6,000 in stamina for completing bosses around the 1.5-2.0 Mil stamina.
  9. SteveW

    SteveW Member

    Here's one I've just done in a similar range to you:

    The Tenor Zombie was defeated in 3 hours and you dealt 1,997,500 damage, based on these results you have been rewarded with the following:

    Sheet Music Stand
    37 Attack
    28 Defense
    7,295 XP
  10. as i posted already,i could be wrong,but im pretty sure the longer it takes to beat the boss,the less payout in the end.yours was in 3hrs and the coffee maker was in 2 days.
  11. SteveW

    SteveW Member

    So I help your case and then you attack me. Thanks very much :D
  12. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    But what is the point of the time limits on them if you can't use it and still get good XP?
  13. malific

    malific Member

    As far as I can tell from my time playing Zombie Slayer, single boss fights are pretty pointless except for item drops at a certain stage, since the time gap for defeating them is only two days, and EXP is calculated as ATHEISTIC SATANIST stated above, so bosses you barely manage to defeat give out crappy exp (I tested that myself when bosses were brand new on other apps).
    On the other hand, coop bosses have twice the amount of time to kill them and the EXP is way better, even when defeated in the same time gap as their single counterparts (a level 5 Tenor I killed a while ago gave out 6,500 EXP while defeated in 60 and something hours, and the highest EXP I recall from a single boss fight was around 3,000 EXP).

    Myself I like leveling up with bosses too, but I found that the EXP per hit and final EXP amount is much better with low-tier bosses like the Guerilla or Conquistador, since their Attack/Defense stats are way lower. I just kill the top-tier ones for achievements and/or item drops.

    By the way, I agree with the time limit thing. It´s pointless to get low EXP if you did manage to end your battle on time, you have to start all over if you don´t make it and that´s bad enough.
  14. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    I know you give good XP an I was two hits away from leveling. :D
  15. SteveW

    SteveW Member

    I knew you just wanted me for my big XP :D

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