World Boss timer adjustment

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Monica Hlif, May 6, 2016.

  1. Monica Hlif

    Monica Hlif Member

    I've gone back to Feb. and I'm not seeing anything in reference to this. So I hope I'm okay in this idea.

    Ever since the timers at the end of a World Boss's life got changed from 15 minutes (in which some bosses didn't die) to 1 minute (in which all of them die [not a complaint BTW ;) ]}, I haven't been able to get in on those end attacks AT ALL. I'm guessing a number of folks in the North American part of the globe have the same issue. Everyone on the other side of the pond is getting better drops than we are and it's been going on for months. Another adjustment was suggested when the 1 minute attacks were first implemented, but it doesn't seem to be happening, despite my patience.

    So is there any way you could either change the end attack timer to, maybe, 7 minutes? Or even stagger the start time of the World Bosses so that some of us on this side of the globe can get in some of those bonus attacks too?
    r8derbob, Latisha Bevins and Chasity like this.
  2. Chasity

    Chasity Well-Known Member

    I'm in the same boat! Before it was changed to 1 min. Intervals I could always count on getting in some hits. Now I am also always missing out on getting some last hits in! (There is a thread somewhere in here about it, but since you brought it up... :) )
    I wish Kano would change it back to 15 minute intervals!
  3. Monica Hlif

    Monica Hlif Member

    The 15 minutes wasn't working, because 3 of the WBs weren't dying. But somewhere between 1 minute and 15 minutes should be able to create a balance.

    Yeah, I'm getting the same drops now, 2k levels higher, that I was when the timer was at 15 minutes. That doesn't even seem right. Thanks for the support Chasity :D
    Last edited: May 6, 2016
  4. Chasity

    Chasity Well-Known Member

    You're welcome Monica, thanks for bringing this up. I've been meaning to mention it myself here. I'm "Chase"ity, because I be chasing after the loot, arrrr. ;-)
    Monica Hlif likes this.
  5. Monica Hlif

    Monica Hlif Member

    Yeah, sorry about that. I was just gonna fix it :)
    Chasity likes this.

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