[ZS] World Boss Homepage Reminder

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Yesterday we rolled out an update where World Bosses that are available to attack will now be displayed on your homepage and on the Boss listing page. World Boss participation has been a concern over the last while (especially on Kano Play server 2) so hopefully this change will turn some of that around.

    Currently this notification will appear if you are level 11 and higher and have at least one Stamina. Additionally, if there are two World Bosses currently active the oldest one will be displayed.

    You can press the red X in the top right of the notification which will hide this reminder for the remainder of the World Boss's current life.

  2. Sour_Rubbish

    Sour_Rubbish Member

    Fine. Easy stuff.
  3. Gazember

    Gazember Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    This is a great update! It would be a lot better if both of the active world bosses would be displayed, as now I have to scroll trough 66 bosses in the Boss page to find the World Boss.

    Or we could have a sub menu (just like at the Fights) at the Boss page with the following filters: All, Single, Coop, World, Squad.
  4. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    I was actually thinking the same thing just the other day cause if you don't have an active Single and Coop boss there is a heck of a lot of scrolling to get to the World Bosses depending on how far you are in the game in terms of locations. When bosses were first introduced we had a small handful but my goodness how that has ballooned over time.

    Feedback re this reminder has been largely positive which is great. A concern was annoying players and taking up space on the Home/Boss pages hence why we have limited it to just the oldest World Boss at this time. However given these are easy to hide for the duration of the boss it might not be much of an issue. We could show max 1 at a time but it could cycle through the active ones.

    Thanks for the feedback!
  5. Yes, it's annoying, but it's just a cosmetic change. If your intent is to improve the game World Boss-wise, I recommend a change of more substance. For example, have at least three of them (if not more) active at all times.

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