Wishes =P

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by LoneRanger, Sep 4, 2013.

  1. LoneRanger

    LoneRanger New Member

    Hello i just made acc here to ask if the Mobile version of Pirate clan would get closer to the computer version?. i have samsung galaxy gio and i would love to like cagematch other bigger lvled and bigger member amounted becouse i have noticed that your own stats are better than a member amount. =) and i would love to see this summer events in available on mobile too and this card challenge too. its sad that you cant do them.. so i have missed many times a summer events where is only a weekend schedules becouse i cannot get on computer on weekends =) thank you for reading. Enjoy your rest of the day =)
  2. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    If you haven't checked out mobile recently please give it another go as we have been adding features to get it a little closer to what we offer in our full web version. To see a quick summary of some of the recent changes check out this post:


    There are no immediate plans to in Cagematch support but I would not rule this out as a possibility. Thanks for taking the time to sign up to give us the feedback!
  3. LoneRanger

    LoneRanger New Member

    Thank you Sir Smack =) . now i checked. a dream come more true at the calendar challenge part! . good job Guys! . keep up the good work! i hope Kano apps is in future as the best game ever =) . heh
  4. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Anytime and welcome to the forums! Hope to see you around here in the future.

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