Our moderators are a fantastic team of volunteers who help the KANO/APPS community by answering questions, enforcing forum guidelines, and being awesome. These volunteers do so out of their love for our games and the community. Moderators, however, are still players, and are welcomed and encouraged to post, comment, and banter like any other player would. We do realize that other players may be confused about when a moderator is acting as a moderator, and when they are simply their regular awesome self. To help clarify this, (as well as to add a little more colour into our forums) we will be instituting a new procedure for moderators when posting in the forums. When a moderator is making a post in a moderator capacity (answering a question, enforcing guidelines, etc.) they will be posting using a green font colour, and when posting as a player they will use the standard font colour. We hope that this simple change will help players better understand their forum interactions with our wonderful moderators.