Ok, I have finally given in and decided to ask why, starting some months earlier this year, we have had to go through an extra window every time we gift another viking? This never used to be but earlier this year an extra window started appearing asking 'are we sure that we want to gift another viking' everytime we select to gift another viking. What is the point of that? The only thing it seems to do is slow down the game a lot by taking time to load an extra window for something that it used to just get on with. I have noticed a tick box in the window (which always has a tick in it when it loads) suggesting that if we tick this box then we will not see this window again. I went along with this for a while thinking that it might take a while to get through my clan before I started to not see this box appear again. I now have a mixure of this extra window appearing and not appearing when I choose to gift another viking. What is alarming now is that I am seeing this window consistently appearing for the same vikings inspite of it consitently telling me it will not appear in the future because there is a tick in the box. Right, rant over - so what is the point of this extra window and when will it sod off?
There are threads on this , but basically it is a fb issue. If you use kanoplay when doing gifts there is no issue
The short of it is that Facebook got rid of "frictionless requests" wherein you could gift non-friends without the box popping up. We submitted a bug report to Facebook and they acknowledge it is an issue but haven't produced a fix as of yet. To get rid of this you need to have given the app friend permissions (this is on by default but check your Facebook settings) and be friends with the user.
Thanks for the replies. I was under the impression that unless someone was a friend then I could not have them in my clan anyway. I have alaready invited them to be friends and they have accepted. I get this popping up for all types of peeps even those who have been friends for years and we chat with each other. Still, if it is an FB glitch I guess there is nothing to do but wait....and wait.....and wait.....ad nauseum.