When does it become unacceptable??

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by prettynerdy, Jul 21, 2010.

  1. prettynerdy

    prettynerdy Member

    Why can somebody 4 levels above me attack me but I can't attack somebody 4 levels below me? That makes not a lick of sense.

    The *only* people attacking me are at a higher level than me, attacking me repeatedly when I'm offline (I guess so there's a better chance they'll be able to get the squad earnings deposited every hour?) and it's like $7,000,000 to hitlist them. I'm not asking what to do about it, I've already seen the answers to that question (see: "Just get over it").

    I'm curious, though.. At what point does the constant attacking (without any previous contact, they aren't retaliating) cross the line from "game function" to harassment? If somebody's actions are making it impossible for another user to play the game as it is supposed to be played, that doesn't seem to go along with the spirit of playing games. Seems like you're allowing other users to take the fun out of the equation for other players at their own discretion.
  2. Calder12

    Calder12 Member

    Actually I think they've done a very good job of protecting people in this game. Other games have no level attack limit at all, no experience difference for attacking someone weaker and no protection to stop repeated attacks. All of which, if I am correct here, Kano has done.

    I feel the lengths they've gone to to avoid one dimensional accounts is working so far for those that really get the game early. Being an all Energy account seems counter productive to me, although I must admit (I hate doing this >.<) that being a stamina heavy account like I am makes leveling at will relatively easy to do.

    4 levels really doesn't seem that much in my personal opinion, especially once you get up there. Four levels at level 10 is a big difference, 4 levels at level 100 not so much and my own fight list is very rarely people more than a level or two away and I am level 76 at the moment (just checked they are all 75 or 76 at the moment. And the game refreshes this list after every fight and adds some and removes others.

    Maybe I don't notice the bullying because I am relatively strong? Or maybe I just don't bother looking? lol.

    One thing I don't get though is the "making it impossible for another user to play the game as it is supposed to be played," What part of being attacked makes it impossible to use the game? I am sure I've been attacked since my wins/losses certainly aren't all my clicks, but I have personally never noticed any change to my game play?

    Not arguing with you here btw, just trying to clarify a bit.
  3. Lil' Ms.Mandy

    Lil' Ms.Mandy Member

    There is a limit to the number of Xp they can get from you per 24 hours. After so many attacks they get 0 so attacking you isn't worth it. How many attacks are you talking about. If you look on your rivals page it will tell you who attacked you and how many times in the last 24.

    At 4 levels above, you probably are showing on their fight list. With this being a new game there aren't 1000's and 1000's of people filling the fight list yet so you tend to see and have to attack the same people over and over. You show on the fight lists as long as you have health even if you are off line. I'm not sure if there are any ways to hide by logging out under health, some games offer that as a way for protection. What your experiencing most likely isn't harassment and is part of normal game play.

    That being said, now is when you get down to really playing zombie slayer. Getting better then the people kicking your butt is what the game is about.

    First off make sure you have enough people to fill the amount of top squad you have open. You want people with high attack and defense. Some of the people on the tops list on both platforms are nice about adding people. Send some requests and you might get some good top squad.

    Get your own attack and defense stats up. If this person attacking you bothers you so much throw a few levels worth of points into defense. If they start losing when they attack, they won't attack you anymore.

    Get good weapons and make sure you upgrade them. Watch for the higher level boss fights being posted by your members and farm the drop weapons from them.

    Also have you tried ambushing them? If they have been attacking you and you haven't attacked back, it should be pretty cheap to ambush them. You also earn achievements for counter attacks so you would be killing two birds with one stone. They will probably burn through your ambushes and continue to attack but at least you would give them a few losses and earn some xp while they are doing it.
  4. Angel

    Angel Member

    the limit is not at 4 level, I am quite sure it is at 10 level.
    More than 10 level above cannot attack you, if you didnt attack them first.
  5. Doctor Big Crow

    Doctor Big Crow New Member

    I have only attacked one person so far in ZS (out of energy, had stamina and a level was close). But, in the other games, my general rule is I will never take it personally if they do not kill me, send me to the hospitol etc. If they keep attacking me without real provocation, then I hitlist them until they go away, or just ask freinds at my level to hurt them a bit.
    Here, though, fill your squad with the best.
    If it was a random thing, make them think twice about being random again.
  6. Calder12

    Calder12 Member

    There are lots of different ways to play these games but in my opinion Zombie Slayer is geared more towards fighting than energy players and to that end I play that way. If you pay good experience I'm going to mash that attack button until I can't anymore, meaning you will die or be in the hospital.

    At this point in the game I'm strong enough that the vast majority of attacks I do get me 4-8 exp. If you're one of those few that fall into the 30-40 category... well sorry lol.

    Thing is though from the sounds of it you're one of the ones that would fall into the 4-8xp so no worries I guess ;)
  7. prettynerdy

    prettynerdy Member

    Ooo, my bad. I thought we were supposed to be able to gain XP and move up in levels. MY MISTAKE!
  8. icedfate

    icedfate Member

    its possible if they are only 4 levels above you that they attacked you when they were the same level as you and then gained a couple of levels since then...I know that on viking clan and pirate clan I've been fighting people from level 50 to 150 and I gained all those levels in a day and a half...when they log in its going to appear as if someone 50 to 100 levels above them hit them...I only attack a player to put them in the hospital one time and then I leave them alone..and I also leave anyone alone that says "online now" to minimize the risk of retaliation

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