what is your best kano game art ?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Salman Al-buainain, Nov 27, 2011.


what is your best kano game art ?

  1. Pirate Clan

    4 vote(s)
  2. Viking Clan

    5 vote(s)
  3. Mob Wars: La Cosa Nostra

    2 vote(s)
  4. Zombie slayer

    2 vote(s)
  1. sence i am playing all kano games..
    so i saw some different between the art on each game
    my top game with art is Pirate clan
    because the art is great.. colours are great.. and the background it perfect..
    my worst art work is zombie slayer.. the zombies on bosses dont look very nice.. bad background..

    so i am going to make a poll and see the result =)
  2. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    There is no doubt in my mind that Kanos artwork ranks amongst the very best in the industry. The artwork in all the Kano games is beautiful.....but my vote is certainly for VC...then i would go PC, ZS and LCN. Havent checked out HZ yet.
  3. Angel

    Angel Member

    1. Pirate Clan
    2. Viking Clan
    3. Mob Wars

    ...ZS artwork is out of ranking, I dont like it very much, but the game is great!
  4. yup..agree.. zombie slayer art work is not good..!
    but the game atleast better then the art :p.. BUT PIRATE CLAN IS BTTER !

    not all are great..
    the best are PC and then VC..!
    but the worest is ZS..!
    for HZ i havent checked it cuz the game is different than all of the 4 games and i dont know even what is it :p
  5. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

    I like it all but if I had to pick my favorite I would have to go with Zombie Slayer because of the Bosses.

    I know that the art team will be happy to see this thread!
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2011
  6. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    I only play LCN and VC... i like the artwork in both apps, but i think the VC art is better... the LCN art seems a little cartoony...
  7. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    I like that the Zombie Slayer art can play off pop culture a little more than the other games but when I first saw this PC boss my jaw dropped. So awesome.


    The Cursed Pirates boss also look pretty amazing.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2015
  8. Ace

    Ace Member

    I simply love the looks on bosses, since they have a lot of fun in them, such as the corpse right in front of the Two-Headed Turtle, the face of VC's world boss Legion of Tyr, the hand coming out of the water on the Surfer Chick, the non-zombie dude on the Teen Popstar Zombie... And while that happens, there are some that have awesome looks, just as the Giant Kraken posted above, Muspell's famous Fire Dragon, the God of Death and the Ice Dragon.

    I won't be picking for one option. I know LCN isn't my favourite, but that's because it's about stuff that can be seen IRL, it's simply right to have them have normal looks, while the other apps include irreal things, such as dragons or giant beasts, which I enjoy seeing.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2011

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