What exactly constitutes bullying?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by polishpimp, Mar 25, 2012.

  1. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I would like to hear what other players think constitutes bullying, In other words I would like to hear your definition of in game bullying. Personally Im of the belief that as long as a player is playing within the the rules and guidelines laid out by Kano then there is no such thing and that some players like to use the term when they are simply being outplayed.

    I think that one of the most widely believed ways of bullying is when a higher level player starts thumping on a lower level whether through slaps, attacks or bountys and the lower of the 2 players thinks that it was unprovoked. I would say that there are many ways of provoking actions such as this other than just attacking or slapping the higher leveled player. For starters....the lower leveled player may be messing with a guild or clan member of the higher leveled player. How many players can honestly say they never went to the aid of fellow clan? For those of u that havent aided fellow clan in this manner....hopefully your clan members will read this and reassess having u in their clan.

    These games are social networking games and having supportive clan members regardless of your style of play is critical to success in games such as this. There are tons of games out there that offer gaming which doesnt include nor reward fighting and killing....Kano games just dont happen to be those games. These games were founded on fighting and killing and although many other aspects of game play have been added since their inception.....the core aspects of these games still revolve around fighting and killing in nearly every way. I ask myself why would anyone choose games such as these if they are adverse to the fighting and killing aspects of them.

    I hear many player proclaim they are not adverse to fighting and killing.....just what they deem as "excessive" fighting and killing or out of level range fighting and killing. Well it goes without saying that what one player thinks is excessive may be completely different than how another player interprets excessive. The thing is....how can it ever be excessive when its exactly the way the game was set up to be in the first place? Whether u want to believe it or not...THESE R FIGHTING GAMES and everything else is just filler. The whole point of these games are to go out and kick butt with your friends in anyway u can within the rules and guidelines laid out by Kano in order to rule the game.

    I hear players all the time saying that the higher levels are bullys. Do these players actually think that every high leveled player didnt have to go through the same thing? The fact is that most high leveled players had it much worse than the players complaining today because when they started there wern't nearly the level limits and restrictions that are in place today. There was no such thing as "protected status".

    Seemingly more and more the newer of player have a sense of entitlement ....they want easy access to everything that everyone who came b4 them has but they dont want to work for it or suffer the consequences of their own actions. How many times have we read here in the forums that someone is getting bullied because they've been attacked 50 or less times in the last 24 hrs....R U KIDDING ME? When u get to 1k or more unsolicited attacks in 24 hrs then come talk to me and i will gladly pat ya on the back and say welcome to the club. How many times have we heard that someone gets listed every day....R U KIDDING ME! How many times do we hear that some high leveled player is slapping me every hour on the hour....R U KIDDING ME? These are all things that have happened from the beginnings of the games...the only diff it was much more prevalent.

    Health damage dealt whether through an attack or a slap is determined by the lower of the 2 players health, wth r u lower levels crying about? I do multiple times the damage to someone that has worked their ass off to build a stronger account than I do when I hit some little runt who wants to take my 30t bounty without retaliation.

    Another cry of "bully" often occurs after a lower level ends up on a higher levels rival list because they went for their bounty. How many of us have gotten the "oops sy that was a mistake message", i didnt list u I just wanted your bounty", lets be clan", "nothing personal just biz" etc etc messages after a lower level hits u on bounty and even b4 u have retaliated? They obviously knew that there was potential consequence for their actions now didnt they? Lets get real here...There is only one way a player is going to collect a bounty and that is to kill someone for it, how is it ok to intend to kill some one and have them incur the corresponding loss of XP yet the player who they were trying to kill is a "bully" for retaliating. I dont care whether u claimed the bounty or not...u could have and regardless of the outcome your intent to kill me was quite obvious.

    If a lower level player happens to find themselves on a rival list of a higher leveled player the reason is simple...they put themselves there, fortunately for them its only for 24 hrs or until they r killed. It funny how some players end up on a higher levels rival page quite often.....these r the ones crying "bully" the loudest. Players can think or say whatever they wish regardless of what level they're at.....but I assure u of one thing. when u get get to the higher of levels and u become much more powerful....99.9 percent of u will be singing a different tune with your entirely different perspective on things.

    In the end.....When rules are not being violated and many are simply doing what these games were designed to be from the onset....is it really "bullying"....or simply a difference in the way some people choose to play predominately now that Kano has added a bunch of fluff to fiil in the downtime between battles?
    Last edited: May 21, 2012
  2. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    I am just going to set back and watch this one unfold should get some interesting feedback.
  3. kayjay

    kayjay Guest

    here here !
  4. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I gotta say I agree with Polish :)
  5. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Bullying in the game, well I would consider dictating others how to play or facing a nice listing into oblivion bullying.

    Other than that, well, people who know me know that I'm perfectly fine with chainlisting people for almost any reason.

    The most fun I have is when someone constantly picks on people half their size and then when someone double their size proves that payback is indeed a bitch, they're quick to call one a bully. Sucks when the tables are turned, I guess.

    I am however convinced that the only real bullying is happening within clan, when big players dictate small players how to play, who to leave alone and who to clan up with/declan and to either readily sacrifice their bosses to a big player or set the limit to max and face punishment when the orders aren't followed.

    Slapping/battling/killing someone for almost any reason is good, of course "It's your fault that my alt got disabled!" doesn't count here.
  6. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    Ok Polish, i'll bite.

    I do agree far to many throw the term "bully" around, when it is really just normal game play.

    For me, when someone is "bullying", it means they are going out of there way to fight someone they know can not fight back.
    I am not talking about attacks or punches. In Zombie Slayer there is a set limit of 40 attacks within 24 hours. Punches are just annoying.

    Here is what I believe is taking something out of normal game play and into the "bullying" territory.

    Level 524 Woodsman Confirm Cost: $52,720,133,664
    Note: this will be the 252nd bounty on this user in the last day or so. Recent bounties will increase a users bounty cost.

    The level 524 has a base bounty of around $1bil

    Level 318 Teacher Confirm Cost: $8,432,601,270 Note: this will be the 66th bounty on this user in the last day or so. Recent bounties will increase a users bounty cost.

    A level 300 has a base price of maybe $200mil

    The people doing the listing are level 1500+
    A level 1500 has the base price of around 30b? (not sure)

    Once you hit level 300 in ZS you are free to be listed by anyone in the game.

    The question i keep asking about this, is how is it fair for people to be listed non stop by people they have no chance of defending themselves against?

    In ZS you can only buy 1 of each property.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2012
  7. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Nicely said,Polish.What you described is by no means a bully.What Das has described IS being a bully.Anyone playing on myspace knows who he means.
  8. I mostly agree :D If they end up on the rivals list of a higher level, they did indeed put themselves there.

    What I don't agree with is more than one high level tag teaming someone a much less level than themselves, in my opinion unless it's in war mode or syndicate/guild war then its uncalled for.

    In the original Mob Wars we had 'Hogg standard' rules which were made up by the players, they weren't official but a lot did actually follow them, and it proved pretty successful when it involved Alliances/Families etc.

    Oh and what I'd say to anyone claiming to be 'Bullied' I'd tell them to get stronger, catch up and go kick their ass! :D
  9. maddog1122

    maddog1122 Active Member

    I'm so sick of people whining about its not right to attack a bounti hunter just becuz they took your bounti. I've been threaten even with being made a target if i killed any reb's syndicate bountis hunters. Only two of their syndicate is higher level than i am, and i've been thru that so may times now i lost count. My rule for any form of attack is if they attack me than I attack back and will kill them if i can by any means of attack. they say by punching a person thats just out of spite or not allowed, Not to me, when and if i punch someone for taking my bounti, its either becuz they punched me first in the past or it was meant to kill them for that attack. i dont usually attack first but i do try to end it last. Wake up people and quit whining just becuz i killed you for takingmy bounti, if you want to target me for your syndicate, for doing so then go ahead, it just gives me more targets when others take your hitlists. I dont play nice when iam attacked either, its kill or be kill time then, of course if someone plays fair , theni will play fair also, if they want to callin their syndicate or others to kill me, not only will they die from any form of attack i can do on them but so will most of the others that decide to enter into the fight. I'm not a sitting duck for anyone wether its one person or 250 people
  10. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Glad u brought that up, I was going to touch on that in my original post but realized I was already carrying on. I agree that its a form of bullying...probably the only type of in-game bullying there is. I personally detest it and declan all that do it. In my guild we dont tell or require anyone to clan or declan even if they r a declared enemy, we try and recruit like minded individuals and find that telling someone how to play there game breeds resentment that will inevitably come back to haunt us
  11. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you get it....lol.

    This game is all about stats....its what each and every player is measured by. The highest leveled players have the least amount of content available to them to continue to accumulate said stats while at the same time needing the most XP to continue to level. Why it would be a surprise to anyone who puts themselves on high leveled players rival list and then gets pummeled is beyond me. As Ive said before....i think most of the whiners and criers out there would be sing a diff tune if the shoe were on the other foot
  12. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Thanks LB. I can think of a few on myspace....lol
  13. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    ZS is by far the most diff of all Kanos games, but in the end stats are stats and players got to get them where they can. Its hard to say why a player may be going after another....whether its provoked for one reason or another or its all thats available....just seems to be what the games r all about.

    Not that you said this....but ya gotta wonder why a player keep s healing for players like that or why they dont counter them....that many hits should have lowered their counter prices significantly. If a player spent all his money or hasnt built his income to signifigant levels to where they can defend themselves....that would be on them for their personal choice.

    Another thing to consider with examples similar to the ones u provided would be that the accounts are alts there for the sole purpose of improving ones stats.

    I know often times in the games I play guild members will go after another player in an enemy guild repeatedly for a multitude of reasons that may seem harsh but r justifiable in that its a guild rivalry thing and pretty much anything goes. I think that often times guilds have very poor leadership and they do not keep members informed as to what is going on and or there is just no real support network or team concept. Sometimes members wont even know they r at war with another guild because a guild is to chicken or out of spite wont accept an enemy invite. As with any type of team...communication is key.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2012
  14. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    The reason for the listings changes each time they are talked about. Myspace players didn't want Hi5 players coming over, wrong place at the wrong time, your whole faction are alts, etc.

    The level 524 hasn't had his bounty reset (i think) since he hit 300.

    The other low level is me. The morning i hit level 300 i was hitlisted 16 times by 1 person and then another 2 accounts listed me a few times each. Each day it is the same thing over an over. My bounty hasn't reset from then either.

    Both Daniel and I started on Myspace less then 50 days ago. While we are good hunters, there is no way we can keep booby trapping people when it cost 20b each time. My income per Hour: $11,311,150

    I know the price is meant to come down but last night i was listed 11 times and he ate 47 booby traps. Each time the price was the same. If it did come down at all, it was nothing noticeable.

    For me the hits are not so bad, it does make playing hard but as long as I have stam i can keep myself busy fighting people at my level. I feel sorry for other new players starting that have no help offered, and can't do anything to stop these few high levels that single them out and try to run them out of the game.

    The number 1 thing everyone seems to be able to agree on is there is no one to fight in the higher levels. It shouldn't be to hard to wonder why people aren't coming up the levels.

    Don't get me wrong. I am not talking about getting a few listings here and there. Everyone gets that at one point or another. I am only talking about when higher levels go out of their way to (without a better word) relentlessly list lower levels to try and push them out of the game.

    This is not only happening to Dan and i either. Our whole faction is listed non stop. I see in the chat box and friends messages both high and low levels asking what reason a level 2000 has for listing a level 300.
  15. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    No doubt that whole Hi5 thing was a bummer. That is pretty lame if players are targeting simply because u r transfers...but at the same time i can understand the whole "fresh meat" aspect as well as it does offer up a whole new crop of players in which to improve ones stats ....which is the whole idea of the game. Although i agree that it sucks....Im really not willing to label it as "bullying" simply because the whole idea is to find those you can better yourself on....kinda the whole food chain thing if ya know what i mean. In the end I hope it will just make u guys and gals tougher and u will get the chance to exact your revenge. There really is nothing sweeter in these games and the best of players are the one that grit there teeth and bear it. Ive heard some good things about Hi5 players and Ive no doubt many will get their pound of flesh...lol.

    Are u playing on MS or FB? Im guessing most Hi5 players must have transferred to FB as I havent seen a big influx of new players getting listed here in MS.

    It may be to little to late as Im sure the real asses already have most of u bounty trapped or book marked.....but it may not have been the best idea to have a faction or factions made up of all or mostly Hi5 players until u all have had time to get a bit stronger because it most likely painted a huge target on your back.
  16. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    I think most hi5 players went to FB. The members of the Hi5 faction i was in either had an account they play on FB or had played on there at some point an left for Hi5, so we moved to MS.

    Getting some special attention is one thing, i don't see how chain listing everyday can help their stats when most of them are already pushing the 5k hits placed mark.

    As for waiting to start our faction back up... I don't think any of us thought we would get as much attention as we have.
  17. DoNRaDu

    DoNRaDu Member

    It's ok, the same thing is happening to us over here on FB.
    My bounty did not reset since i hit lvl 300 either and i bet it wont reset for a while...
    Don't get me wrong here, im NOT complaining, i was just stating a fact, revenge will be sweet :D
    Last week a HI5 syndicate won at gp.
    I'm curious what happened to the leaders of that syndicate lol
    And to comment on the subject of "bully" : we're playing killing games, get over yourself or go watch "glee"
    Push thru and get stronger, it's easy to heal, cheap also lol
  18. I think bullying mostly just consists of people like polish, who seem to think that their way is the only right way to play this game and want to enforce those standards of playing on everything else. That's why I built my defense so high. Simply because I wanted to be left alone. So that no one could try to enforce their standards of behavior on me. And it works for the most part. There are always going to be one or two people that have a really low defense and a very high attack in my level range that can take me, but they're the minority. For those beyond my fight range, I just leave them alone.

    I wasn't here in the beginning. I have no idea what the origins of this game were, but the fact of the matter is there are way too many things to do in this game to call it a fighting game. In point of fact, Kano hasn't really supported that aspect of the game in a very long time. In the past 2 years or so, they've added the undead to help address the fact that the fight list is so small at higher levels. And they've added a few fighting achievements, of which the reward for the very highest achievements in all of those categories...whether it's fight wins or hitlist kills is equal to that of completing an outbreak. Based on that, you tell me how much Kano supports your assertion that this is a fighting game. In ZS we're limited to 40 attacks in a day, that includes losses by ambushes and the like. Tell me, based on that how much truly does Kano support your assertion that this is a fight game. This is a game that includes fighting as an element of overall gameplay. Not as a whole. And seemingly, based on my observations, a minor element at that.

    As far as bullying within the game, for the most part Kano has put limits on just how much "bullying" there is. The 40 attack limit or until death, for example. I have no sympathy for someone who tries to take me off the list. They knew the possible consequences of that action and now they have to reap the whirlwind. I didn't hunt the list until I thought I could take care of myself. The way I see it, if you're on my rivals list, you put yourself there. I don't understand why there is not a limit on the number of times a person can list someone, but it's not an important enough battle for me to wage that particular war. Perhaps Kano felt that since the cost to list someone went up each time, that was enough of a limit, however, they forgot about the part where money is almost unimportant and a high level player can list a level 300 all day without feeling pain in his wallet.

    I feel badly for you, Relentless, it doesn't seem right that you're being targeted as you are, but you're forgetting the other part of the equation. I hunt the list often, and many of the hi5 transfers were little hellions when they started again on FB. I kept seeing newbie after newbie go up on the list, for no other reason then to get your achievements as early as possible. I don't know if you were a part of that or not, but we notice these things and in some cases couldn't wait until the transfers reached 300 for just that reason alone. Yours however is a very extreme case and I couldn't comment in your particular case.
  19. David Stroud

    David Stroud Member

    Any high level player who consistently attacking, punching or bounty any low level players no matter what over and over again. Bully is a person who picks on someone who is weaker or different from them. You high level players are like that and some at the same level who have more clan and hired clan makes it hard. My game play is that the only time I be in the fight section is just to get the gamers points in. There is a difference between spending only a few minutes there, then someone who keeps attacking you 24 hours a day non-stop. So, before any high level players decide to attack someone, they should check if that person was doing it 24 hours a day who been attacking their clan, guild and so forth. If it is just a few attacks in a minute and not so many in a 24 hour? then, that person should be ignored because that person was only trying to get gamers points in. If it is a 24 hour period that person attacking the clan member? Then, go ahead and teach that person a lesson.
  20. The Protector

    The Protector Banned


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