Hello, My syndicate (25 members) got a request from 1 guy in a syndicate of 1 member. It is a request to be enemies. If I accept, what does this mean? How does it work? More details the better- THANK YOU! PS: Please do not move this thread to the "ADD ME" junk again. This is an actual question that would like a response. I'm not looking for anyone to add me. Thanks.
He has asked to be enemies, either accept or decline, there is alot of info on the game page in the help section and here also http://support.kanoapps.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/List I don't bother with that enemy thing, I just fight whoever is on my battle page or rival list for the most part, I have plenty of enemies in the game as it is
Being enemies doesnt change too much. 1 if your group is hidden, you will be able to see Each-others members list to go after everyone in the group It also gives you a quick link to visit them whenever you get bored. I guess it justifies being mean to someone if they are your official enemy. thats about it.
I had a request once from a player in a new syndicate with very few members who wanted to be enemies. So, I replied, "Go ahead make me your enemy. I never look at my game history, so it won't mean anything to me." So, that was that, we later joined mobs, and he eventually quit playing the game. I seldom look at my game history. It means very little. I do not take a personal interest in it. I just heal up when needed and play the game. If I'm dead sometimes, well whoopty doooo!
As general rule..if someon is your enemy, you will have direct access to their syndicate/faction link..kill at will..I guess you could call it "declaring war".
Exactly. You may want to see how your members feel about making another syndicate an enemy. Some lower level members may not like all of the extra "attention".