posting this on behalf of lcn player Kai Læntver As I see the future of war mode then there should be an option to each member to achieve personal achievement by scoring as many points as possible. It will materially increase participation in war mode. It could be: 3500 wp a week SP 1 10% xp 10% income 7000 wp a week 2 SP 20% XP 20% income 10000 wp a week 4 SP 40% XP 40% income 15000 wp a week 8 SP 80% XP 80% income
Nice idea as this will encourage people to participate in the war mode but I feel it should be for getting those points like 20 or even 50 times. With that setup of it being weekly, it means an unlimited amount of skill points can be earned. There should be a limit with a one time reward like 3500 wp a week 20 times SP 10 50% xp 500% income 7000 wp a week 20 times 15 SP 75% XP 750% income 10000 wp a week 20 times 20 SP 100% XP 1000% income 15000 wp a week 20 times 20 SP 20 Favor points 150% XP 1500% income Just an idea.