View Latest Wars

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by LaScepter, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. LaScepter

    LaScepter Well-Known Member

    I have a question.... Why is it that a GW guild doesnt show up in the "View Latest Wars" list...when in fact they have hit in our guild and other guilds...all this while showing their points increasing at the same often does this list refresh ?...and yes i realize maybe not all GW guilds show up on that list...but if they are going up in points and are a top 5 warring guild on the leader board...wouldnt you think we could see them on this list ???..........:confused:
  2. Kel the Merciful King

    Kel the Merciful King Well-Known Member

    I think its supposed to refresh every 15 minutes according to the screen. How often it does and if its accurate, I would have to shrug for a couple of reasons.

    Deltan who no longer works for Kano said here "the latest" and "most recent."

    If it is "last in, first out", our guilds would be continually at or near the top of the "View Latest Wars" lists of pretty much every war moded guild in Facebook you would think.

    As far as the mysterious increases in guild war points I have seen, I think there IS the use of "phantom" guilds going on where guilds are created or where existing, they go in and out of war mode for a very short amount of time. Once out of warmode, the "phantoms" fall out of the "View Latest Wars" list. I have seen one guild taunt my own guild with such practices for the benefit of another guild and have watched them do it myself.

    So we have a bug I think and a fundamental problem in my opinion. The solution to the fundamental problem has been put forth in other games in the past in a list of suggestions: a guild has to be in existence for 2 weeks to enter guild wars, and once in, has to stay in for the season. End of phantoms!!!!!!
  3. LaScepter

    LaScepter Well-Known Member

    Your right there all the way ...BUT theres a guild that even when they have gone thru my guild does not show up at all on that list .....why does a guild not show up at all ..they are not invisable and they remain in the GW..
  4. LaScepter

    LaScepter Well-Known Member

    Now im amused....LOL..suddenly the invisable guild appears in the list...WOW !!!
  5. Kel the Merciful King

    Kel the Merciful King Well-Known Member

    And guess what ... by Code of Conduct you can't name names!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Does it go away too? Is there a new feature in the game for invisible mode i.e. valhalla guilds? ;)

    While we are talking viewing latest wars, I can't post in the Forum what I know, as can't you; I have to write to support to avoid pictures with names and guilds on them and the near do well activity they are engaged in. Life is not simple (sigh)
  6. LaScepter

    LaScepter Well-Known Member

    This is like trying to jump rope with 1 arm...uugghh
  7. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    We are very much interested in having a fair competition for factions that are interested in participating, and as such we're currently looking at developing a feature to replace the war points system, as there are a number of issues with it. It unfortunately won't be fastest solution, however we believe it will be the best solution, and will provide a fair and balanced competitive environment.

    Although we don't have any details yet, we will be looking for community feedback when we start hammering out the details of the new feature.
  8. LaScepter

    LaScepter Well-Known Member

    Not to be a thorn ..but what issues do the Devs see with the current way of points ??
  9. Adam Maguire

    Adam Maguire Member

    I would like to make a suggestion.
    How about for guild wars, you have a face off tournament. Dealt in elimination rounds guilds face off 1v1 and whoever has the best stats vs other guild progresses to next round. It'd have to be over a week or 1 day. This would bring the fighting back to VC but it would have to have great rewards to make people want to get involved. Being top guild will only be sufficient reward for a half dozen guilds who like to fight anyway.
    The other way to do it is to achieve guild elimination. Once every member of the guild is dead at the same time, the killing guild wins. That could be done 1v1 or a big melee of all guilds.

    Ghost the Lizling Killer

    I sent that in ticket form suggestion to Kano.
  10. Kel the Merciful King

    Kel the Merciful King Well-Known Member

    I got a hunch this is the top 15 players of 25 thing that ZS has been testing or will be testing.

    I wish the poster would have stayed with the topic of the thread ...
  11. Craig Day

    Craig Day Well-Known Member

    Umm I maybe wrong but the GWs list only shows the top 30 Guilds and it mat change as the lower guilds move in and out of the top 30
  12. Terminator

    Terminator Member

    Guess you'll have to "double dutch"...

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