[Other] Uncap the undead for all kano games.

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Jon Ward, Nov 2, 2012.

  1. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Okay since players still did not like a second option of an empty fight list but they were in more of an agreement of uncapping dead to a higher limit lets put it to a vote and see how it does.

    Uncapping the undead to a higher limit say 1000 at most for empty fight lists so at least its something to hit or attack for players to keep moving majority of players have probably run across this or know someone who has ran across this issue. The only thing is when the undead get uncapped the fight stats need to go in the appropriate spots since a lot of us have notice that the undead wins and losses are going in the regular fight stats sometimes. Fix that issue with it leave the experience you get from fighting undead as it is and just uncap them to 1000 at most.
  2. There Will Be Blood

    There Will Be Blood Active Member

    Actually I did like your other idea of somehow making people heal, but again, you lumped it in with a different independent idea so there was no way to vote for either.
  3. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    You would be the first one on that there will be blood. And i was not talking about active players. I am talking about looking from my undead players i see the same undead players for weeks before they come back on so what would it really matter to them on that aspect if they get thrown in healed every 24 hrs. But it won't work i can make a post on that alone but i doubt it will get great reviews itself.
  4. There was a recent thread on this not too long ago. I don"t know how to vote on this since while I agree that the number of undead a person can fight daily should be increased, 1000 is just way too many. Double or triple what the caps are now would be something I could agree with.
  5. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    It really wouldn't matter the number of the cap. What's important is leaving the experience alone as it is for the undead your fighting so that way no individual can say well the newer players have the advantage more now since they get the undead capped when they reach them and they get top experience for it. No leave the exp alone that is what going to throw off a lot of players not the actual uncapping. I can find one person that is alive 5 hits on them i will have gained over 1000 if not 1400 exp in total amount. It takes at least 10 to 15 undeads to get to that amount if you can find ones that give you the top exp pay out every time you hit them. Some players may have the same amount of hired help as undeads but they do not always have the same amount of exp dropping as an undead player. Hope that made sense.
  6. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    no vote from me since i only hit the undead to check what weapons/warriors im using on attack...why on earth would i want to waste my stams on the crappiest exp in the game??
  7. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    feeling the same way, myself but good luck with the idea .:)

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